
  • 12 de May de 2015
  • Se unió 2 de Feb de 2014
  • Mitch, you're the man, and you know it.

    @davidsvson I concur with Pharan. For instance, I'm currently working on a 2D point and click adventure using Spine. Mecanim is not as suited for this since in our case things as speed or velocity to determine animation states are not fundamental.
    Mitch showed it tome using one of his platformer examples though, and you'll find it's perfect for those cases.

  • Are you sure you're using the latest version of the runtimes? This shouldn't be happening with the current Skeleton Lit shader.
    Did you modify the shader in anyway to take normal maps? It's known that Spine-Unity + Normals don't get along easily. @alic and @Mitch are currently working on a better shader for that. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3955

    Sorry, read in a hurry and skipped the part you said the point light was near the character. Vertex lighting won't work if the distance between the vertices is bigger than the light. Basically, you're going to have to make the range of your point light bigger.

  • Wohoo! Spine + Mecanim love. I think there was some tool floating around last year to import Spine exports as anims, nowhere as powerful and elegant as this though.
    Don't know how you're doing it but awesome job, Mitch.

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  • Words can't describe how exciting this is 😃

  • Hey Alic,

    Sorry! I haven't been able to even test it. We're launching our Kickstarter in a couple of weeks and it's been pretty hectic.
    On the plus side I was talking to Mitch and he told me that you guys have made great progress together! I'm glad he was able to help.
    You guys are deadly. Keep it up.

  • Hey Mitch,

    I sent you this message over Skype, but gonna leave it here too just in case, since I need to give an answer today.
    I've been invited to a MicroTalks panel at GDC 2015 where devs talk about a tool, plugin or editor hack that has made their development life easier in 10 mins.
    I thought I could talk about Spine, specifically its integration with Unity through Spine tools. But since I'm not the author of the work, I'd like to have your authorization for that (if you're not planning to go to GDC anyway 😛).

    What do you think? Of course I'd be sure to mention you as the author and link to the videos and so.


  • Hey Alic,

    Thank you for replying 🙂
    If you take a look around the forum you'll see I've been digging about this for a while (I even was in touch with Gallo for a few weeks). We made a bit of progress, and also stumbled on some of the same problems with the render queue, but never got as far as you did
    I'd definitely would appreciate if you could share your files with me
    I'm working with the latest version of Spine, maybe I can help get your work working with it? 🙂
    In any case, at least I'd like to give it a go if you let me.


  • Hey Alic,

    I was wondering if you had made any good progress with a shader for unity that did things better and were willing to share it?
    I've tried sprite lamp shader but cant seem to get shadow casting working with it...


  • Thanks Nate 🙂
    As you can see I'm not an animator, this is a pet project haha.
    You can't set both bones to 0 though, if one is on 0 the other bone takes 100% of the vertex, that's what I found odd.
    I had to add more bones so the ones near the tip of the ears didn't affect the vertex from the nose.

  • Hey,

    Don't know if this could be a request or is more about me not knowing how to use this properly, so I'd appreciate the help.
    I'm trying to animate a fox head, and I created some bones for moving his ears.

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    So here are my problems.

    1. I'd like the big bones that go towards the ears to only affect the vertexes near the tip of the ear instead of all around the head. I think in 3D applications like 3Ds Max you could define vertexes to be ignored. What would be the solution here? Creating a smaller bone near the tip I suppose?

    2. I'm not adding the main bone of the head to the weights, because I want the complete head to rotate when I move that bone. Is this the correct decision?

    Thanks! 🙂

  • A couple of errors showing up when importing in a blank project:

    Script 'Animation' has the same name as built-in Unity component.
    AddComponent and GetComponent will not work with this script.

    Assets/spine-unity/SkeletonUtility/SkeletonUtilityBone.cs(98,35): error CS0103: The name `GetComponentInParent' does not exist in the current context

    Oh, right. Did a quick Google and GetComponentInParent only works from Unity 4.5 onwards. So there's that.

  • Pharan escribió

    Nope, Unity doesn't know how to handle it.
    Whitespace stripping doesn't work properly with meshes. (wasn't there supposed to be a warning in the editor for this already?)

    You may have to re-export the wings from photoshop pre-trimmed/pre-stripped and then remap them into meshes and reanimate them in Spine.

    Also, next time, I recommend using the Photoshop Script that comes with Spine that exports the psd layers into individual pngs + spine json. It trims your images and aligns them in the json so you can begin rigging in Spine right away. You can find the Photoshop script in your Spine folder.

    There's also a handy tool called gifcam: http://blog.bahraniapps.com/gifcam/
    It's useful for capturing short animations on screen like what you did.

    Thank you guys! That was an important lesson.
    This is going to be a bit of a nightmare because we outsourced this particular job, so I was hoping our animators wouldn't have to remap and reanimate all the mess. sigh Oh well.

  • Hello again!
    Sorry that I've been asking so many questions with this frequency lately, but we've been stumbling to quite a few problems on this project.
    Lately we've noticed that whenever we get an animation where the sprite images have white/blankspace around, there's a lot of problems after importing in Unity. I assumed it's because during export we're setting the atlas to remove the whitespace (most ideal for perfomance as we all know) and Unity has no way to apply the FFD and translation of sprites properly after that. So we've been needing to go through a lot of animations and fixing all the sprites now, making sure they have no white space 🙁
    My programmer tells me though that he thinks Unity should be able to know offset of sprites import despite removing the whitespace though, so he believes this is either a bug or something that we're not doing properly.

    Example: Some attachments of a Sprite in Photoshop, with their blank space around:
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    How the animation looks on Spine:

    How it looks in Unity after import:

    Any ideas? Much appreciated

  • Thank you, Pharan.
    Don't know what got in my mind that that need to be checked.

  • Hello guys,
    So I'm importing my animations from Sprite making sure that Premultiply alpha is checked and that in Unity, the texture has Alpha is Transparency checked and the format is not compressed

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    Still, I'm getting artefacts in the transparent part of my sprites. Any idea as to what could be the reason?
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  • Actually I just noticed this is in the official runtime repository already! Everything related to the new import seems to be working now. It's fantastic.
    Is there anything I'm missing?

  • Hey! Sorry for nagging, but when is this coming?