Thanks, Nate! Keep up the good work with Spine! Most of the new features aren't even supported in GameMaker yet but even with the basics we can still make awesome stuff...can't wait till I can get into the fancy stuff one day!
- Jeff
Thanks, Nate! Keep up the good work with Spine! Most of the new features aren't even supported in GameMaker yet but even with the basics we can still make awesome stuff...can't wait till I can get into the fancy stuff one day!
Hey everyone!
This is my first solo game (minus the audio which is just from the internet, and localization done by some awesome volunteers), made with a combo of Game Maker: Studio and Spine!
Grab it on Steam here:
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Thanks to EsotericSoft for making Spine. People getting into gameDev now might not know what the old days were like but most of the time us game artists would have to write up .txt files manually with coordinate changes and timings frame by frame by hand to go with sprite sheets and then just hope that whatever programmer we're working with on that project would be able to make it look the way we pictured in our head, and I always day-dreamed about having an animation program like this to make life a million times easier and then Esoteric came out of nowhere with Spine and blew me away lol
I've already started on my next game, follow along at if you like!
Pharan escribióAlso, we haven't heard from any Spine-GameMaker users recently.
AniBoomBoom escribióSpine works with GM:S but only version 2.1.08 it is way behind.
I have no idea HOW it's working (lol) but I'm using Spine v3.4.02 with Game Maker: Studio v1.4.1757 with no problems right now. There was a period when Spine v3 first came out where GM was having none of it (and ran brutally slow when both programs were open) but somehow everything has worked out lol (and it all runs fast again)
Two key notes though:
1) If you use meshes, you'll have to manually open the .JSON file after exporting and change the word "deform" to "ffd" so GM knows where to find the mesh animation data. Just a quick search and replace of one word and it should work perfect.
2) Most of the cool new features probably won't work, but I haven't tested them out. Shearing and all this cool path stuff, you'll want to test to see if it works before you use it. And changing slot colors and Events won't work, but those have never worked in GM. But the basic classic stuff (Transform, Rotate, Scale, Meshes, Transparency, Bones, etc) all work fine. I would do some testing with collision boxes and any other features you want to use outside of that stuff before you lock down to a specific version though.
3) For my export settings I have almost the same as Pequadt, but with both Strip Whitespaces unchecked (but Rotation, Alias, and Ignore Blank checked), and I have a min width/height of 16x16, max of 4096x4096 with Power of Two checked but Square unchecked. It looks like GM just cares that you're using a power of 2 and using that instead of Square means you're going to save more whitespace because it can make rectangular textures whenever possible. If you don't uncheck the Strip Whitespace you'll get parts of sprites leaking into other parts because GM just wants to grab rectangles off the texture.
For anyone deciding whether to use GM or Unity based on Spine support, the Unity runtime is probably a lot better with more feature support. But if you're already a GM user, you can do a ton with Spine...everything in my game here is done with Spine and GM:S:
Hey guys! Loving working in Spine, but I have a small request:
I generally like to make sure my Bounding Boxes are squares/rectangles to keep collision predictable (VS bumping into an object 10 pixels further away with the bottom of the sprite than the top in-game because the line wasn't drawn perfectly vertical), especially when working with square map tiles or pixel art.
Would it be possible to mimic Photoshop's abilities by adding:
1) If you're in Set Points mode of a Bounding Box and you hold the Shift key before clicking, it allows you to click-drag a rectangular shape
2) If you're click-dragging a rectangular shape as described above, you can simultaneously press Ctrl to lock it to a perfect square shape
3) And if you're setting each point one by one, once you click the first point if you hold Shift the next point will snap to the 8 direction axis so you can quickly make straight edges as you go
Thanks in advance!