I want to remove the texture after the sprine has been removed,but it dosen't work.
I logout the CachedTextureInfo in lua before remove it
print("this leftSoldiers getReferenceCount",v.sprite:getReferenceCount())
It show that the spine's ReferenceCount is 1.It's right.
I logout the CachedTextureInfo in lua after remove the spine 1 second.
It show that the spine's texture ReferenceCount is 2!!!
so,how can I release the texture.
I had add a breakpoint in
void spAtlas_dispose (spAtlas* self) {
spAtlasRegion* region, *nextRegion;
spAtlasPage* page = self->pages;
while (page) {
spAtlasPage* nextPage = page->next;
page = nextPage;
region = self->regions;
while (region) {
nextRegion = region->next;
region = nextRegion;
But it never come here!