
  • 30 de Oct de 2024
  • Se unió 1 de May de 2015
  • Thanks Harald, that info was super helpful and gave me some ideas on how to handle things. 🙂

  • Harald
    Thanks for the reply Harald!

    Just checking - the issue with trimming the input images down in size is that when they're used with Spine, they won't be at the correct positions unless the artist manually positions every single piece of clothing/hair/etc. in that correct?

    We have around 7,000 possible variations of clothing and hair, so having someone position those manually with the trimmed images is not viable.

    If I'm wrong on the above, please let me know, thanks! 🙂

    • I’m using GetRepackedSkin with some png images that I’m loading manually from disk at runtime. The images are in StreamingAssets (this can’t be changed for this project, I’m stuck using StreamingAssets so can’t use asset bundles, etc.)

      Everything is working except the resulting atlas includes all of the transparency around my images.

      With Unity sprite atlases I’m able to trim the transparency from the images so that they pack together better, and them when displaying them in the game Unity still knows how big their bounding boxes were originally.

      Is it possible to do this with GetRepackedSkin? Or will the images that get packed into the atlas always include their full bounding box/size, including all transparency?


    • Mitch escribió

      Was planning on exposing it as a property in the preferences menu. Will take care of it today. Thanks guys. I don't know enough about tk2d to do it all myself heh

      Awesome, thanks Mitch!

      I will try my best to help out with all things tk2d related - I've spent the last eight months working on two different projects that use tk2d quite extensively so I've learned a lot about it, how it works, and its quirks. 🙂

    • I'm having the exact same issue. If I set the "Scale" on my SkeletonData to around 0.003 it seems to be about right.

      With the previous Spine Runtime, the one that had special tk2d support as a separate folder of code, it worked properly with my SkeletonData scale at 1. Is there a fix for this coming? As it is right now, it's unusable.

      Also, as a small aside, there's a bug on line 110 of SkeletonDataAsset.cs, there's a semicolon missing at the end of the line. This is in the code that comes with the current unitypackage for the Spine Unity Runtime, I just downloaded it tonight. It's only an issue if you enable tk2d support, as that code is in an "#if SPINE_TK2D" section.

      As an aside: thanks for a great piece of software - my animator is really enjoying Spine, and the workflow with tk2d is really slick, it works great! 🙂

      Update: making the change noted by bang2ni (removing the "* 100") fixes everything. If it's not needed, can that be updated in the official release so that it doesn't cause issues for anyone else?