
  • 14 de Mar de 2019
  • Se unió 26 de Sep de 2018
  • Thanks for advice, we tried this option, it works.

    But there is a case, when you animate two characters and you want to synchronize the animation of one character with another, it was convenient in version 3.6 when you select the skeleton of one character (without hiding another), you'll see the moves of both characters(on main window or preview), but you continue to work with the keys of selected character.. and if you need to find the keys of the second character, it was enough to click on the second character skeleton. (more convenient than now).

    if it's difficult to change something as an option such pop-up window (image3) would help us a lot.

    Thank you very much for your attention.

  • Hello, Friends!

    It became a little inconvenient to work in the hierarchy window.

    Suppose in version 3.6.53 (animation) I have a lot of skeletons, and when I click on one of them, I get the keys of the selected skeleton. even if i press space button.

    in version 3.7.87, when I click on one skeleton, I dont receive the keys of this skeleton.(image0_1) an if i press space i receive all keys of all skeletons..(image0_2) I have to search for the animation of the desired skeleton for a long time.
    or disable all unnecessary skeletons. This is uncomfortable if I want to synchronize the animation of two skeletons.

    Can you solve this question? Can you return the skeleton animation search system as before in version 3.6?

    Thank you very much for your attention. :sun:

  • Hello friends!
    There are a couple of ideas about usability of spine.

    To add tint optionfor animations names in the animation section for easier searching and dividing them into groups by color.

    You can also make markers on timeline for the convenience (when we are working with keys switching the bones).

    Just some ideas) Have a nice day!

  • Sorry, I worked on this Saturday, there were problems.
    Now I updated the version and everything is ok. Thank you!

  • The problem was solved! We exported json file in version 3.7
    then imported data (json file) already in 3.6, pointed the way to the images, and corrected mesh animations :party: .

    Everything is working. :sun:
    Thank you!

    Hi guys,
    Yesterday, I tried to work with skins in version 3.7.
    In the preview window, they are not displayed.. :angel: :tmi:

  • Thank u very much for reply.

    Another question.. We exported the project in version 3.7.36 to json format, the mesh animation does not work as it should in spine-cocos2dx 3.6. can you fix this issue? or we should wait next version of cocos? 🙂

    Thank u!

  • Hi Guys!
    Tell me please when will be released the official version 3.7?
    Projects with which we work in 3.7 beta, do not open with version 3.6
    why? How can we resolve this problem? :bang:

    Thank you!