
  • 8 de Jun de 2015
  • Se unió 23 de Mar de 2015
  • Thats a good workaround BC. I'll try it out :-D

  • Hey spine people.

    I work on several versions of the same character (Desktop version, and then a mobile edition)

    However I cnat copy animations from one file to the other which means, I have to make the same animation over and over in new files.

    Is it possible to make a feature, so I can copy/paste keys or animation nodes from one file to another?


    A happy user :yes:

    Benny Mathiesen.

  • Hear hear! That would be nice! That would be nice indeed!

  • I often find that the weights of my joints in a mesh-setup influens areas of the mesh, where it should not. Tweeking it, can be quite painfull since I often move the problem to another bone, so the problem is a lack of control of where the bones influence end up on the mesh. It would be nice to have a paint weight feature, so I can pick a bone and paint the area of influence. A good refference here is Autodesk mayas paint weights tool.

    Maya paint weight tool demonstration:

    Keep up the good work!