
  • 5 de Mar de 2024
  • Se unió 15 de Jun de 2017
  • Hello,

    After exporting a scene that I have, and compressing the spritesheets to 256 colors,
    one of the elements in one of the spritesheets get too compressed because it has completely different color palette to the rest of the elements in this same spritesheet. I would like to have this element in a separate spritesheet, but can't figure out how to do it.

    If not possible inside spine, does anyone know of a utility or a standalone texture packer that I can use to achieve this?

    Thank you,

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    not sure if this should be asked here or in the runtime sub forum.

    I created a large background scene that is physically cut to 2 on x and on y because of our engine limitation so sprite sheets are not larger than 1024px X 1024px (the background is almost 2K X 2K)

    when playing the background animations in spine, everything looks fine, but when ran in our game engine we can see the seams between the separate slots (see attached image)

    I was wondering if I need to change export texture packer settings. could it be the "padding" parameter or maybe the filter
    at runtime (currently it is on Linear)

    any hint on how to solve it would be greatly appreciated!

    thank you,

  • Thanks! that jsonrollback thing helped me a lot! 🙂

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  • Hi,

    I am trying to see if there is a way to open animations done in 3.8x back in 3.7x?
    I tried exporting from 3.8 to binary or json and import in 3.7. but if fails.

    most of the stuff is simple SRT animations, no meshes, so I thought maybe do it through After Effects,
    is there a script to open spine json exports in AE?
    I know there is one to export from AE to spine..

    I've got a bunch of animations done in 3.8, but the game engine the developers work on currently supports spine 3.7x
    I really do not want to do all the animations all over again.


  • Nate escribió

    Not yet, we did consider it for 3.8 but it didn't quite make it!

    Thank you, hopefully for next release 🙂

    Thank you for the new release! Great to see the Soft IK feature finally in 🙂
    I was wondering if among the ghosting changes you implemented ghosting for bones, so it is easier to check the curves of an animation as we discussed in this thread:
    Motion Trail

  • Maybe you guys could rar or zip it, this will solve the problem that many people have with downloading this jsx, when I try to right click and save as, I get the html page, both on chrome and edge.. I had to click the link, it opened the script in the browser, then I copied it all and pasted it in a new text file, then saved it as .jsx

  • you can render the movie to a .png sequence, and add all its frames under a single slot, then animate the visibility of each frame, so on timeline frame 1, sequence frame 1 is visible, on frame 2 you animate sequence frame 2 to be visible and so on.. then you have a "video" in spine.
    If you have many frames in the png sequence this can get tedious to do by hand, I remember there was a script that created a json file that spine can read and do it automatically..
    I think it's here: spine_sequence.py - Add image sequences to a Spine skeleton

  • I think what you need is to store a Preset and apply it to the first frame.
    select the key with ease you like to copy, open the preset window in the top right graph box, add a preset with that ease, then select the key you want to paste it, and apply it from the preset window 🙂

  • great! thanks🙂

  • Emjay, the way I wrote that script in 3D was by distance. for each point in the target mesh, it calculates the distances to all points of source mesh, and use the distances to calculate how much weight top copy from each source point to each target point per bone.. on top of that you can add functionality to determine if it uses all points or just selected ones, or use a radius, and\or only point in overlapping areas.. this would be a great feature to have 🙂

  • I was going to write a post for a feature request, then I saw this post. My idea for a feature is similar.
    A copy weights between not-identical meshes or part of meshes based on distance could be very handy. for example if you have a characters body mesh already weighted, and you need to put a shirt prop on it, instead of having to weight the shirt from scratch you can just copy the weights from the body mesh or from selected vertices on the body mesh, to the shirt mesh (shirt has a completely different mesh and mesh points count). It saves time but also in most cases it will make the prop "glue" as tiktak wrote to the original mesh the weights were copied from.
    In my very humble opinion this is fairly simple to code, and can save a lot of time (a few years ago I wrote a script like that in a 3D software and I am the worst programmer I know 🙂 )

    Hi Nate,

    I can't seem to be able to re reproduce the problem, might be a defective project, or some problems with our network at work...
    Hopefully it was a problem not related to spine 🙂
    Thank you for the help.

  • Hi Nate, thanks for the explanation!
    The files are not exactly locked.. I can still delete them or rename them in windows explorer, but when I try to render them again in AE overwriting the old files, most of the files get corrupted and can't be opened by windows photoviewer, and of course spine tells me that images could not be loaded.
    So far it happens only with AE.
    I can not send you the project I am working on at the moment because of confidentiality, but as soon as I finish this in a couple of days, I will try to make a mockup of the project, that will reproduce the problem, and also supply you with the AE project to update the png sequence in spine.

    have you tested it with a sequence of frames on a single slot? so far it happened just when I try overwriting a sequence that inside spine has keys on it's visibility

  • Hi Erika, I am on windows 10..
    I am using a very old after effects version (because of old plugins licenses), so if you are saying this issue is not known to you, maybe it has something to do with Spine 3.7 and old versions of after..(I assume you are using newer versions of AE) I will try it with latest version of after effect..

    I tried with a new version of AE, and it is the same, as long as the spine project is opened, my overwritten pngs are corrupt..

    I am on spine 3.7.87 pro , and launcher 3.7.81.

    I exported the project to json from 3.7 and opened it in 3.6.36, tried to update the sequence from AE while Spine project is opened and everything worked fine..


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  • Hi, just recently updated to 3.7, and I am facing something that did not happen to me in 3.6x versions.
    It is happening mainly when I use png sequences inside spine.
    when spine is opened and the project is loaded with a slot that has a png sequence in it, I can't successfully update the sequence on the hard disk from After effects.
    When I try to render an overwrite sequence in After Effects, the rendered pngs are corrupt. I have to exit spine or close the project, overwrite the sequence then load the project again.

    I've done this in 3.6x many times and never encountered this issue, is this a know issue? anyone else had this?

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