
  • 10 de Ago de 2024
  • Se unió 23 de Sep de 2017
  • Harald AnimationState events of SkeletonAnimation and SkeletonGraphic are not called by reflection, your method will reliably be called 0% of the time 😉.

    Got it. Thanks for the confirmation!

    I'll review my code again to see whats going on with my animation state events.

  • Hi all
    Is it possible to call events via methods with Skeleton Graphic?

    I tried subscribing to events, but they don't seem to 100% of the time get called.

    I can see the spine event in the preview

    I have the method and script attached to the game object with the skeleton graphic, but at runtime I don't see the print message.

    Can someone share some tips? Is it possible? 🙂

    • Ok turning off virtualization worked.

      Thanks Nate

      • A Nate le gusta esto.
    • Hi Nate,

      Thanks for getting back.

      How do I know if the update file is installed? Because I still get the error if there is no internet connection.

      Here is how I produced it. (I'd send a movie, but the Spine login screen has my name and email)

      1.Turn on Wifi

      1. Press Spine.exe
      2. Spine opens successfully.
      3. Turn off Wifi
      4. Press Spine.exe
      5. Spine tells me I need an internet connection like the screenshot I emailed you guys.

      Thanks a lot for the help!

    • Hi guys

      I'm running into this error. I understand the need to protect against piracy, but this is hurting people that have official licenses too. 😔

      Sometimes I'm working in places where there's no internet and I need to make a quick fix in Spine, but can't.

      Is there some kind of backup code that I can use to access Spine while offline?

      For example: Gmail has a backup.text where I can get 10 single use codes to access my gmail in the event my password is compromised.

      Thanks for the help

    • Thanks for the tip! Ok I'll bookmark the link. 🙂

    • Hi Nate

      Thanks for the reply.

      I was using the bone scale incorrectly.. For some reason I thought going lower was the answer. =(
      I set them at 800 and can now see the older rigs fully now.

      Thanks for the clarification.

      And yes you're right. I shouldn't have made the images so large. These characters were made when I was still learning Spine. The thinking was to import characters at their original scale, then resizing later on when it was time to optimize\ finalize characters.

      You can use different size images in Spine versus at runtime.

      I tried resizing the Spine PNG images after rigging, but I recall it messed up all the rigs\meshes. =(

      Anyways going forward I'll have to keep the images much smaller.
      Thanks for the help!

    • If there could be a setting to allow us to zoom out even further than the current restrictions, that would be super helpful.

      I'd imagine it's a matter of increasing the float value range for the camera viewport sliders.

      It might seem like a trivial thing, but it would make a huge difference between me being able to work with my older files or not able to work with them. (T -- T)

      Thanks again for the support

    • Hi all,

      Happy new year!

      I hope this year we can finally squash this bug ( ^ - ^ )

      This particular bug has been a splinter in my finger through various iterations of Spine.

      In older versions of Spine, I was able to zoom out quite far, in order to get a better view when animating.

      It was great.

      In the recent version of Spine all my older files are impossible to work with, because it's zoomed in super close.

      I sent an email to you guys regarding this bug a couple of years ago and was suggested to change the bone scale.

      I have yet to get it working. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

      Please see the movie below regarding what I mean.

      Any help would be greatly appreciated.
      Thanks all

    • Hi Nate,

      Sorry I forgot I created a thread. I fixed it by updating to the latest Spine launcher.

      • A Nate le gusta esto.
    • Hi guys

      Spine is crashing on load for me again. I sent an email with my info.


    • Oh nevermind. fixed it. God I suck at coding 🤦‍♂️

      I needed to put it outside of the ghostMat block

    • Hi Harald,

      So I dove deeper into the GhostSkeleton script. It's pretty interesting how the script functions. I swapped out the Ghost shader for Spine's Unlit shader, it created some cool results.

      I wanted to adjust the render queue because Unity's depth blur was blurring the object pooled ghost mesh renderer. (This undesired blurring also happens even if I use the ghost shader)

      I added line 176 in the SkeletonGhost.cs script, but it doesn't seem to update the new material at runtime. The goal was to have the render queue become alpha test with -100 offset.

      My guess is that I think it might have to do with the fact the Spine shader uses the render queue offset variable. Is that correct? If so how do we access that at runtime? 🤔

      Thanks for the help Harald. Hope you don't mind diving deeper into this subject.

    • Harald I don't see why that is necessary, but you might have your reasons 🙂.

      Unity was telling me there were two versions of the same script even though I made a copy of SkeletonGhost.cs -- I narrowed it down to namespace Spine.Unity.Examples. I tried to remove the .Examples, but the duplicate SkeletonGhost script wasn't able to find SkeletonGhostRenderer.cs (it'd only work if I also remove .Examples from SkeletonGhostRenderer.cs) ...

      Anyways its probably confusing.. but everything works now. Thanks again

    • Harald If you modify the original script, then yes, you might accidentally override your changes. You could however easily just create a copy of this example script (named differently) an adjust it to your needs. The scripts in the Spine.Unity.Examples namespace are as reference for your own implementation. They are not a generic solution which covers all use cases.

      Yea, that's what I did. 🙂I had to also make a copy of SkeletonGhostRenderer.cs it seems.

      Harald This line is for hiding the many ghost renderer instances (10 per skeleton ghost) in the hierarchy. Otherwise it would be cluttering the hierarchy window with lots of entries.

      Now that you mention this.. I can see the benefits of it. I'm going to figure out how to incorporate this into my other scripts. 😁

      Thanks for the help Harald!

      • oh nevermind, it doesn't get run all the time! got confused.. 🥴

      • Thanks Harald,

        I'm not quite sure what that code is doing, but I'll give it a try.

        If I hack this script, will it get overridden when a new Spine runtime is installed? 🤔 -- I guess the fix is to use and save a different iteration of the script.

        Ok got it working! I just added a line to change each spawned game object layerID.

        I also changed this. Hopefully that doesn't do anything nasty to the script.
        const HideFlags GhostHideFlags = HideFlags.None;

        Just out of curiosity, what is the benefit of using the HideFlags variable\const? .. from what I can see, it just makes it harder to debug the hierarchy 😵‍💫

        Also I read online that getcomponent() isn't suggested to be run at runtime? Best to keep it in Awake()\Start()? Is it ok to keep running all the time?
        pool[i] = go.GetComponent<SkeletonGhostRenderer>()
        I use the ghost script whenever a power up is used, which is frequently. 🤔

        • Thanks Harald,

          I'm not quite sure what that code is doing, but I'll give it a try.

          If I hack this script, will it get overridden when a new Spine runtime is installed? 🤔

        • Hi Harald
          Ok the issue came back again. I was wrong with my previous reply.

          I found out what was the cause. It's indeed because Spine Skeleton Ghost only renders to the Default layer. 😥

          Could you please suggest how I could set the Skeleton Ghost to render on another layerID? I made a movie so you can see what I mean.

          Sorry for the trouble and thanks again for your continued help 🙂