I think I have seen the same export issue yesterday. Will send spine project with exported unity skeleton later today.
3.7.00-beta released - Audio!
Nate escribió@[borrado], sorry for the trouble! I'm not seeing that happen though. Maybe you can email your .spine file and explain how we can see the problem? contact@esotericsoftware.com
On second thought it might have been bezier curve interpolation which is exported as stepped. I'll narrow this down next time I'm at work.
Email with repro project sent. Thank you.
The problem was solved! We exported json file in version 3.7
then imported data (json file) already in 3.6, pointed the way to the images, and corrected mesh animations :party: .
Everything is working. :sun:
Thank you!
Hi guys,
Yesterday, I tried to work with skins in version 3.7.
In the preview window, they are not displayed.. :angel: :tmi:
Hello alexandr, I just tested and I see the skins that I select in the tree or using skin view also in the preview view, do you have the latest beta version?
Sorry, I worked on this Saturday, there were problems.
Now I updated the version and everything is ok. Thank you!
Are there any plans on including Audio in skins?
I've got a skeleton with a few monsters, and one is a robot another a slime lord, another an alien crab... they make different sounds
It's an interesting consideration, but I think skins will likely stay dealing only with attachments. You can use a single audio event and add logic at runtime to choose the right sound based on the active skin. If you are exporting video, you could use audio events for each sound and disable the audio events you don't want to play.
I’ll end up doing that at runtime indeed, but... but... it sounds so logical to also preview them using skins? Don’t you think?
Sort of. You basically have keys that you only want to apply for a particular skin, which isn't a concept we have yet. Someone else recently had a vaguely similar request, where they have transform constraints that are needed for one skin but not another, and they wanted the skin to remember transform constraints settings so they don't have to adjust them manually. There might be something we can do for these cases, but I'm not sure how much we want to burden skins, especially when the workaround is simple enough (adjust things at runtime as needed).
Hello friends!
There are a couple of ideas about usability of spine.
To add tint optionfor animations names in the animation section for easier searching and dividing them into groups by color.
You can also make markers on timeline for the convenience (when we are working with keys switching the bones).
Just some ideas) Have a nice day!
Nate escribióSort of. You basically have keys that you only want to apply for a particular skin
Hi! well, what I meant was, I'd like to keep the keys like I already do, per animation, and then hook up different audio-files to skin slots in the same way I attach different images to different skins.
I guess my feature request is for "Audio support for skin slots" - but I know you're all really busy with other & bigger stuff I will ALSO really appreciate Keep up the good work!
Edit I see where my thoughts on this came from: in my mind an audio file is an attachment much like an image is. Which it of course isn't, but in my head it was
Is it safe enough to use the 3.7 beta withought any major crashes now that your working on the 3.8 beta?
Stability for 3.7 is our top priority right now. Any information about what you were doing just before a crash would be extremely helpful!
There are some crashes in 3.7 that we have not been able to track down. We get error reports of the crash, but it happens when drawing the skeleton. Something the user has done previously puts the skeleton in a bad state, then it crashes the next time it tries to draw the skeleton. Unfortunately the users experiencing these crashes haven't reported what they were doing that might have caused it, so it is difficult to track down.
That aside, 3.7 is otherwise ready to come out of beta. Many beta users don't experience such crashes.
awesome, thanks Nate thats great to hear. I've been looking forward to this update for a while now.
It seems I can't delete keyframes anymore by selecting them on the Dopesheet and pressing DEL or Backspace (it used to work some versions ago). The "Delete selected keys" button on the Dopesheet bar is working though.
Using 3.7-50-beta.
Sorry for the edits, the Dopesheet seems to be behaving erratically, at first the shortcuts were working but not anymore, sometimes I have to double click on the main window to deselect whatever bone(s) I have selected to be able to select something in the Dopesheet, sometimes when I try to delete a selected keyframe from the Dopesheet it asks me if I want to delete another thing, like the current animation (with the Animations windows visible) or the attachment (with the tree visible). Sometimes I'm not able to create a keyframe on the selected channel by pressing Ctrl+L (particularly with deformations on meshes or paths).
Hello scardario, Backspace and Del seem to be working for me on 3.7.50-beta.
scardario escribiósometimes I have to double click on the main window to deselect whatever bone(s) I have selected to be able to select something in the Dopesheet
Do you mean that when you select a different bone, it doesn't change to said bone in the dopesheet? I tried to repro this too but it worked fine for me.
scardario escribiósometimes when I try to delete a selected keyframe from the Dopesheet it asks me if I want to delete another thing, like the current animation (with the Animations windows visible) or the attachment (with the tree visible).
This is due to the fact that you selected those things last, but then you didn't properly click on a keyframe to delete, but just moved the timeline marker instead.
scardario escribióSometimes I'm not able to create a keyframe on the selected channel by pressing Ctrl+L (particularly with deformations on meshes or paths).
I tried to repro this too on stretchyman but it worked fine.
I'm afraid I will need more detailed steps/a gif or video of the problem, otherwise, everything mentioned seems to be working fine.
I just tried the new beta and I love the new png exporter. There is one thing I miss though that I could do in the old one - exporting all skeletons seperate + current skin + all animations.
At the moment it seems I can only do "skeletons separate(ok) + current skin(ok) + but only current animation(not ok for me)" OR a selected skeleton which gives me the option to do all animations.
Am I missing something or is this something that could be added?
My user case is:
I have skins for hair, body equipment etc. I have 3 character views (top down character) and 9 animations. I want export these to png so they can be mixed and matched in an engine. So in Spine, I want to export hairs(selected skin) in all angels(all skeletons) and for all animations(all animations) for each export.
I realize I can just go through each skeleton one at a time, just take longer time.
Hmm, I think we didn't mean to hide "all animations" when "skeletons, separate" was selected. The number of export combinations and logic for what is valid is really intense! We'll fix this up ASAP.
@Nate Thanks, that would be perfect!