• Editor
  • 关于网格绘制有可能引起“无法计算权重”的问题

krammor I agree with you that such cases should be fixed automatically, as it is difficult to see the cause at first glance. By the way, is the vertex overlap a result of setting the mesh vertices through the trace? If so, could you also tell us what values you had set for each property of the trace, if you still have the settings from that time?

    Related Discussions
    4 días más tarde

    Misaki 是的,这是自动绘制得出的结果

      krammor Thank you for sharing your settings! In fact, I ran the trace with that settings on the Spineboy's gun attachment and was able to reproduce similar results immediately, so this is something to improve on in the future. I have created an issue for improvement here: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor865
      You can subscribe to this issue ticket to receive notifications when there is any progress on this issue.

      Can you say what version of Spine you are using?

        15 días más tarde

        Nate 我近期都是使用最新版的,应该是4.2.38

        Nate 由于每次自动绘制的结果都不同,这个问题是概率发生的。就我感觉而言,这种情况发生的概率大概在五分之一左右,而且通常是凹度或者精致度调的越高,则发生的概率就越高,但也与自动描绘的图片有关,棱角越凸则发生的概率可能会更大。





          krammor Thank you for the additional information you provided! I have tried several times to reproduce the problem based on your information, but unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce it. So if you don't mind, could you please email us a screenshot of the problem on your end that you were able to reproduce about 1 out of 5 times?: contact@esotericsoftware.com
          The shape of the image is most important to us, so you can send us the image filled in one color if you like. We would appreciate it if you could include the URL of this thread in the body of your email so that we can see the context.

            • Editado

            Misaki Misaki 用作示例的并不是我的项目文件,而是别人视频分享出来的练习文件,用作自动描绘的示例图片也是随便在这个源文件中选的,希望能对你有所帮助。

              krammor I have confirmed that I can indeed reproduce the problem, but I have known about this Spine project for some time, and from what I remember and from my searches, this Spine project should be sold for a fee. I thought it would be problematic to publish it here for free, so I have removed the link.

              Anyway, I have confirmed that I can reproduce the problem with it more easily than with Spineboy. I thought that this problem might be more likely to occur with images with blurred borders, so I will see if I can create an image that can easily reproduce this problem.

                I was able to reproduce the problem once I prepared an image with blurred borders and tested tracing with it.

                I will update issue ticket content.

                Misaki 哦抱歉,我并不知道这是一个付费项目,可能是由于分享视频的作者并非制作者本人,很感谢你的删除