• EditorBugs
  • Working with Physics, Facing exporting Issue video/ PNG Sequence(4.2.36)

I have created an animation that appears fine in the timeline, but it's not exporting the video or PNG sequence as intended based on the actual animation. It seems that wherever I have applied physics, some parts are exporting correctly in the video or sequence, but most appear distorted. The result looks quite odd.

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#BUG REPORT: If I use both path and physics constraints together in Spine 4.2.36 can sometimes cause strange behavior in the exported result.

    ashmaypic Thank you for reporting the bug! I have confirmed that I can reproduce this problem, so I have created an issue ticket here:
    Nate has already commented in the ticket, but it seems that this problem can be confirmed by checking the Deterministic option in the Physics Constraint options, even without exporting.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, but please wait until we have resolved this issue.

    un mes más tarde

    ashmaypic We have released version 4.2.37 which fixes this issue. Thank you very much for your cooperation in reporting this bug!