Sorry to take a detour here, but I started getting this error:
Problematic material setup at Spine GameObject (blob_skeleton):
Warning: Premultiply-alpha atlas textures not supported in Linear color space!You can use a straight alpha texture with 'PMA Vertex Color' by choosing blend mode 'PMA Vertex, Straight Texture'.If you have a PMA Texture, please
a) re-export atlas as straight alpha texture with 'premultiply alpha' unchecked
(if you have already done this, please set the 'Straight Alpha Texture' Material parameter to 'true') or
b) switch to Gamma color space via
Project Settings - Player - Other Settings - Color Space.UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarningFormat (UnityEngine.Object,string,object[])
Spine.Unity.SkeletonRenderer:Initialize (bool,bool) (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Components/SkeletonRenderer.cs:508)
Spine.Unity.SkeletonAnimation:Initialize (bool,bool) (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Components/SkeletonAnimation.cs:189)
Spine.Unity.SkeletonRenderer:Awake () (at Assets/Spine/Runtime/spine-unity/Components/SkeletonRenderer.cs:402)
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_RestoreLastOpenedScenes ()
I don't think I can do viable tests until it is solved. What happened? I was just testing different shaders and selected this one:
Now the character won't render (I disabled all render features and filters to be sure)
It's just invisible. Its skeleton animation component is showing this warning:
I tried deleting the character files and reexporting/reimporting from Spine and the error persists. What did I just break?