I have this habit of trying to walk before I can crawl. But I know what I want to do, the hard part is doing it.
I have never used this program before in my life. I have used Photoshop, Clip studio, and messed around in blender for years. I know my way Around Zbrush too. But I have no background in anything other than Illustration, never animation. I saw what this program is capable of, and fell in love with it immediately. And I plan to get very familiar with it. So because I am absolutely insane, I decided to draw an 8 way character for use in a video game in Clip studio paint. Drew every single body part in a separate layer. named all the layers in a very tidy easy to understand format. The question I have is...where do I even start? I stare at the UI of the program wondering what it is I'm supposed to do next. I don't know what I'm doing at all.
I want to animate this guy. Set up his skeleton. turn all the pieces into meshes that I can morph and shape. Turn him into an asset for a game engine to make him walk around in the engine. and I know that this program can do that.
Please be gentile. don't mock me too harshly.