• EditorBugs
  • My Spine Pro does not open anymore :( Need Help

Hello Spine Team.
From today I cannot open my purchased Spine anymore... It crashes and closes Spine on Laucher screen at start 3 seconds... without even let me change the Spine version...
I really didn't do any updates or change anything on my laptop... I do not understand why it's not working anymore from yesterday to today.
Seems that the problem comes with Libraries (libSystem.B.dylib) Everything else on my laptop works fine (photoshop-Unity-Maya....) but not Spine 🙁
I need help, thanks 🙁

Macos High Sierra 10.13.6
Spine 4.2.15

I got this error (on Terminal):

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Sorry you are having trouble! Your log looks like it launches the editor, so you should have a chance to change the editor version. If you have checked the box to automatically launch Spine, you can click anywhere in the launcher window as soon as it appears to cancel the automatic launching of the editor, so you can then change the version.

Your OS is pretty old, Apple stopped supporting macOS 10.13 at the end of 2020. Spine should still work on 10.8+ though. I think we updated some libraries in the 4.2 beta that are causing this problem for older macOS versions. We'll work on getting that fixed!

    Hello Thanks for fast reply.

    I,ve trying to change the version but I cannot succeed... As soon as launcher screen appears it closes so have no time to change Spine version...
    Also tried to unistall and install again Spine but same happens...
    Also tried to install Spine Trial version but it closes after launch also.

    Is there a way to force a old Spine version to open before Launch screen?


    There should be about 3-4 seconds while the animation plays when the launcher shows. Your log indicates it is starting the editor, but maybe it's actually crashing earlier at the launcher.

    You can start a specific Spine editor version this way (this will start the latest 4.1 version):

    Windows: C:\Program Files\Spine\Spine --update 4.1.xx
    Mac: /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine --update 4.1.xx
    Linux: ./Spine.sh --update 4.1.xx

    Please let us know how this goes!

    Alternatively you can delete your settings files and then run the launcher as normal (you will need to enter your activation code again):

    Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\settings\
    Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/
    Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/settings/

    None of those solutions worked for me...
    Mac: /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine --update 4.1.xx
    Im not sure how to run SPine with this (--update 4.1.xx) updated name

    Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/
    I do not have this folders Application Support.

    What worked for me was to go back time machine and restar my mac to latest stage...

    Spine start screen was jumping too fast and did not allowed me to change any version... even I reistall my Spine the same happened... I had the button "start automatically" checked so never had the time to choose version 🙁.. not even with a fresh start... Somehow my mac remember this option checked even the Spine is unnistalled...

    The problem I had: I was using the latest beta version Spine 4.2.15 and this weekend somehow desapear...when SPine opens try to reach this version and try latest beta and crash.

    I wont use beta versions and Uncheck "start automatically" on Start screen.

    Thanks for the efford Nate 🙂 Hope u keep new Spine versions Stable for old macs... I really enjoy phyiscs addons on this program. 🙂

    • Nate respondió a esto

      Ontheroof I do not have this folders Application Support.

      Application Support is where tons of stuff is stored on macOS. You almost certainly have it, though Finder may be hiding it from you. Finder has a shortcut, cmd+shift+G IIRC, that lets you open a path by typing, you can paste in the path there.

      Ontheroof so never had the time to choose version

      This is really weird. The Spine launcher plays an animation where bones and the Spine logo fly into view. During that is when you need to click to cancel auto start. In the next version of the launcher we will make pressing escape also cancel auto start, that way users can start Spine then smash escape repeatedly to stop auto start.

      Ontheroof Somehow my mac remember this option checked even the Spine is unnistalled

      Unfortunately this is because on macOS there is no such thing as an "uninstaller". Instead to "uninstall" you just delete the application (technically the .app folder). That means Spine's config files remain in your ~/Library/Application Support/Spine folder, so when you reinstall Spine they are still used.

      Hope u keep new Spine versions Stable for old macs

      We should be able to! We'll work on this before 4.2 comes out of beta.

      Glad you got it working again and I'm happy you are enjoying physics! 🙂