• RuntimesUnity
  • SkeletonGraphic and SkeletonAnimation appear differently

thanks for the quick reply

Multiple CanvasRendererers is checked.

Anything else to try?

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    fix If you do not find any messages in Inspector or Console, please send us a minimal Unity project via email so that we can reproduce the problem: contact@esotericsoftware.com

    • fix respondió a esto


      We just sent the offending spine data to the prefab.

      We apologize for not being able to send you the entire project.

        fix Thank you for sending your prefab! Could you tell us what versions of Unity and the spine-unity runtime you are using?

        • fix respondió a esto


          My project version
          Unity 2020.3.38 f1
          Spine 3.8


            fix Thank you, but please tell us the spine-unity runtime version too. As far as I have tried with spine-unity 3.8 2021-11-10, your skeletons can be displayed fine with the SkeletonGraphic component.

            • fix respondió a esto


              spine editor version is 3.8
              unity spine - runtime version also 3.8

              And when I tested it on another project using the same spine version and the same Unity version, the same problem occurred.

              • fix respondió a esto


                Exactly, Package version: spine-unity-3.8-2021-11-10

                  fix Thank you for the information! I created a new Unity project with Unity 2020.3.38 f1, installed spine-unity 3.8 2021-11-10 and instantiated the prefab you sent us in the scene, but I still could not see the problem as you first reported. I have sent you via email the Unity project I created, so please check and let me know if your animation looks correct.

                  • fix respondió a esto


                    I finally did it.
                    The result of comparing the spine settings of the project you sent
                    In my project I was able to do this by changing the Atlas Texture settings from Straight Alpha Texture to PMA in Edit - Preferences - Spine.

                    Misaki for your kind help

                      fix Ah, that makes sense! I’m glad to hear you've figured it out! Thank you for getting back to us 🙂

                      • A fix le gusta esto.