Oops, slightly different problem. Fixed!
New website!
Very Nice!
I was browsing the showcase on mobile earlier, and it was pretty slick (the header turning into the icon for a drop down was confusing for a second, but makes it look a lot cleaner).
I'll have to look at your site more when I finally get back to updating mine- it's been 3 years since I've updated XD
I'm saddened by others (and my own) lack of FFD examples in the showcase (because it is so powerful/ so cool!)
- Editado
surround the text with two asterisks
(damnit, Pharan)
bold (surround text with two asterisks, no spaces)
I added a new one for quotes: three double quotes to start, three double quotes to end.
Yea yea, fixed. :p
i like this new layout very much, it's a lot clenaer and easier to read
Not sure where else to post this, but it seems like the JSON documentation page is messed up. http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-json-format
Oh dear! Thanks for the heads up. I've made a temporary fix on that page for now.
Edit: Fixed with the runtime diagram visible.