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We've launched a new website! Shiu and I have been working this for months, so we're really happy to get it done. It should be much faster, not to mention prettier. :makeup: Our plan is to begin adding more content to the site, more documentation, videos, etc.

All pages work at any size, resize your browser smaller to give it a try! This means the site is much nicer to browse from a mobile device, especially the forum. We spent a lot of time on the forum, reducing clutter and doing literally hundreds of little tweaks.

If you find anything you don't like or otherwise have feedback, please let us know so we can improve things!

So nice, I love it very much.

Hi guys,

I like the new responsive web design :yes: .
There is small issue I want to inform you about. Social icons implemented by web fonts will be displayed as Asian glyphs on browsers without web fonts support. This is screenshot from my oldish smartphone running Android 2.3.3 with default Android Browser (yes, that browser based on WebKit but not Chrome):

See the compatibility table: http://caniuse.com/#search=font.
I suggest to detect support of the feature in the browser (my favorite tool is http://modernizr.com/). You can then use images or maybe simply display:none as fallback for older browsers.

BTW: It seems that Spine Changelog page is gone. I use to check it on daily bases. Can I haz it back? 🙂

Shiu's damned webfont stuff is causing problems again! SHIIIUUUU!

Oops, changelog wasn't working if it had a trailing slash, fixed! We got rid of nasty, nasty WordPress, using our own system is so much nicer. 🙂

Oh dear.. don't look at me! blame Nate (just because) or blame older browsers 🙂
We'll get it fixed!

Spent some more time fixing things up.

Forum search results now display nicely.

I added "Mark topic unread" at the bottom of every topic. This is for my workflow, since I use the view unread posts page to make sure I read every post. Now if I read a topic and I'm unable to handle it right then, I can mark it as unread so I'm sure to come back to it later. I was using bookmarks for this, but it's not as nice having to manage two lists of threads.

Pretty tired of working on the site. 😢 I'm ready to go back to working on Spine!

Just as a note the change log Latest release is showing some php...

Latest release:
Released on <?= date('j M Y', $time) . " at " . date('H:i:s T', $time) ?>.

Aye, need to do some work on that. It'll have proper dates for each release.

Spoiler: The site is even more beautiful now - and so clean. Just like Spine. I love your work and design.

Could you make a link to the changelog page on the front page? I think the changelog really shows your commitment to the customers.

Good idea. It doesn't really fit in the menu at the top though. I added a section at the end of the In Depth page, what do you think?
The idea is that the In Depth page gives you a high level overview of Spine from start to finish.


Btw: The "Latest release"on changelog still only shows the php code

Did more forum adjustments for mobile, to hide the stuff in the header that is rarely used. It's looking mighty clean! :clap:

New changelog is up! 🙂 It's much easier for me to keep up to date too. WordPress is such a pig. My favorite was if I were to leave the browser open on the changelog page for 10 minutes, then come back and type something, then save, WP says the session has timed out and smokes what I typed! Now that I write my own tools for it, it's so nice and clean. 🙂

All done with web stuff. Releasing 1.8.15 now. Next I'll go through all the forum posts, fix bugs and then work on skinning. 🙂

Looking GOOD give yourself a pat on the back.

New design looks great! Good job! :yes:

Thanks guys. 🙂

I augmented phpbb's formatting a bit. I get sick of typing BBCode. The forum now has markdown style links and images:

[text](url) <- text link
![alt text](url) <- image

Also it has markdown style inline code (surround text with backticks), italics (surround text with asterisks, no spaces), bold (surround text with two asterisks, no spaces), fenced code blocks (three backticks to start, three backticks to end), and bullets (start a line with an asterisk then space).

Yeah! Markdown in the forums! woo!

But... it doesn't work. ;__; printf("hello world!);

// what

Just a question - what type of engine does this forum use? Looks quite nice. Or is it your own forum implementation?

Oops, it was only parsing markdown stuff when the post
contained a BBCode. Fixed now. :)

The forums use phpbb with a custom theme and some edits/hacks to the PHP. phpbb is a bit of a mess/pig, but it's still easier than writing new forum software from scratch.

shfdh I guess it still needs BBCode; ;___; dhhsdfh