- Editado
exporting 3.8 to 3.7
I am trying to see if there is a way to open animations done in 3.8x back in 3.7x?
I tried exporting from 3.8 to binary or json and import in 3.7. but if fails.
most of the stuff is simple SRT animations, no meshes, so I thought maybe do it through After Effects,
is there a script to open spine json exports in AE?
I know there is one to export from AE to spine..
I've got a bunch of animations done in 3.8, but the game engine the developers work on currently supports spine 3.7x
I really do not want to do all the animations all over again.
Hello OzAdi, please refer to this thread: Open project in an older version
Thanks! that jsonrollback thing helped me a lot!