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  • [Request] I want Glue function

I want glue function in Spine too. like this.

thank for your answer.
But I know that weights and meshes.
What I meant to was that two separated mesh connect to one.
I think that you can see what I am trying to say by watching a video.

Hello again, it looked to me in the video that the vertices simply had the same weights in some cases, such as at 0:24 where some weights are set on the parent bone, while others remain on the child bone even though they're on the edge of said connection, so they aren't really glued together or this effect wouldn't be possible.

If you want to achieve this effect it is already possible in Spine, I use it a lot myself, the two meshes appear connected as long as they share the same weights.
The trick lies in placing vertices in the same points for both meshes (like in the video) and to facilitate this, you can activate the "wireframe" property on one of the mesh to copy the same vertices on the other while in edit mode.

Would you be able to explain in greater detail how this differs compared to what is already possible in Spine? It doesn't look like you can control one vertex instead of two overlapping ones from the video but maybe that is the case?

5 días más tarde

I was going to write a post for a feature request, then I saw this post. My idea for a feature is similar.
A copy weights between not-identical meshes or part of meshes based on distance could be very handy. for example if you have a characters body mesh already weighted, and you need to put a shirt prop on it, instead of having to weight the shirt from scratch you can just copy the weights from the body mesh or from selected vertices on the body mesh, to the shirt mesh (shirt has a completely different mesh and mesh points count). It saves time but also in most cases it will make the prop "glue" as tiktak wrote to the original mesh the weights were copied from.
In my very humble opinion this is fairly simple to code, and can save a lot of time (a few years ago I wrote a script like that in a 3D software and I am the worst programmer I know 🙂 )

That's a very good thought in my opinion, OzAdi! In 3D, this is typically called something like "Project Skin Weights", and it does something behind the scenes like cast a ray from each vertex of a source mesh to the vertices of a destination mesh and transfer the weights between the two wherever possible.

Most definitely a time saver for a lot of situations, especially if it could be implemented in such a way that the source mesh only casts onto the destination mesh wherever the two overlap, and within a given radius, allowing you to quickly do the 'glue' thing. But the most useful case for me would certainly be for things like adding clothing to already complexly weighted situations without needing to spend nearly as much time meticulously recreating the weight painting that I've gone through on the layer below.

Emjay, the way I wrote that script in 3D was by distance. for each point in the target mesh, it calculates the distances to all points of source mesh, and use the distances to calculate how much weight top copy from each source point to each target point per bone.. on top of that you can add functionality to determine if it uses all points or just selected ones, or use a radius, and\or only point in overlapping areas.. this would be a great feature to have 🙂

great! thanks🙂