Thank you for your answer. I already tried to download your mix-and-match-file. But when i try to open it. Spine tells me, the project version is 4.0.03.beta and i work with spine 3.8.99 at the moment..

- 13 de Jul de 2021
- Se unió 6 de Ago de 2019
- Editado
I looked already at your tutorials, but i did not find help.I have one Rig with 3 different Base-Skins ( 3 different skin-colors).
Now i want to include different clothes. For example shorts. I want to include them as a skin and i want to organize the clothes in different folders. (Trousers/Shirts...)So i just duplikate the base skins name them shorts und put the trouser inside? But then i have to do it 3 times, because of the differnts skin colors...
I tried to download the mix and match-exmple. but i think i have to install spine 4.0 to open it...
ushThanks for your solutions! We will test them
i have a question. Our characters need an outline sometimes, so we use the outline shader in unity. But it seems, that unity create the outline multiple times. The outline has much more corners, than the character has.
Do you have an idea, how we can solve the problem?Thanks,
- Editado
Dear Erikari,
thank you for your detailed answer!!!
I will have a look to all the links.
I think the problem is, that we have some "Controll-IK" for the Arms, that you can also direct them individually in unity. But then some strange movements can happenand we thought, if we limit the movement of the bone we could avoid this.
but thanks for your help!
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I´m new with spine - so i need your help!I want to give my shoulder-bone a fixed rotation-area, so that the shoulder cannot rotate complete 360°
Can i do this to a "normal" bone? Or do i have to create an IK for that?
And you know, if there is a tutorial for it?thanks for your help,