
  • 18 de Jun de 2013
  • Se unió 24 de Abr de 2013

    Hi Guys, Charlie and I are working on an iOS game together using the spine-c runtime, I'll chime in from the code side of the problem:

    What we'd like is something similar to reset xforms in 3DS Max. In the spine editor we'd like to be able to:

    for each bone b in skeketon where b.scale != 1
       apply b.scale too all children of b
       set b.scale to 1

    Why do we want this?

    Charlie has created a VERY high resolution character with say a height of 10,000 units whereas the highest resolution character should be 1000 units. Now it's true that we could set the skeleton scale to 0.1 within the engine and this would fix it, the engine already scales by 1, 0.5 or 0.25 depending on which iOS device we are running on. So to prevent us from having to create every animation at the arbitrary scale that charlie first chose we'd like to scale and reset the skeleton to be 1000 units high.

    This isn't a deal breaker, there are no tears before bed time and I think I can work around it using a python script to traverse the JSON export and reimport it all scaled and reset but it does seem like a nice feature for the spine editor to have.

    Does any of that make sense?

    I've forked the code on github and have a build working on visual studio express 2010. I've also patched a recent bug in the RegionAttachment_updateOffset code that is just updated.

    I've created a pull request, I'm new to github (although I am an experienced developer) so I may have screwed it up. I've tried to keep it as clean as possible.

    You can view the fork here: