
  • 4 de Jul de 2021
  • Se unió 23 de Dic de 2017
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  • So i've used spine a ton but havent used it in a good year. I fire it up, update it, install the latest scripts on photoshop. export like i've done a million times. I open up the Json file and all the images are missing, I find this super odd. I try to manually write the image path and that doesn't work. I finally just drag each image from the image drop down menu up to the root drop down menu and drop each image to the correct part, this works but is VERY tedious. I have no clue why spine isnt detecting the correct path. any ideas? 😢

  • Erikari escribió

    @[borrado] why don't you try watching the video linked here?

    Erikari escribió

    Twitch: Rigging in Spine Pt. 1 - YouTube
    (the interesting part starts at 02:16:14)
    If you expand the description of the video you can navigate the various things that were done on the rig. I also recommend watching it at 2x speed 😛

    thanks, ill for sure try this. 🙂

  • ErikH2000 escribió

    My first thought is... why would you use Spine to do that? Because you could accomplish it so much more easily in a 3D engine like Unity, and put the sprites on top of a true 3D background.

    But it’s still a cool idea.

    If I were to do this with the image you provided, it would go roughly like this:

    1. Mask out the image in Photoshop/Gimp to divide it into layers, with each containing an image corresponding to a flat surface in the 3D consideration.
    2. Extend some of the layers that show behind others so that as the camera later pans, there will be enough of the layer to show correctly for the panned view. (Think about the wall layer behind the chair.)
    3. Import the layers into Spine and attach them all to a skeleton.
    4. Adjust the attachment offsets until you recreate the original image.
    5. Create a new animation for panning left.
    6. Add a mesh deformation to one of the larger attachments, like the right wall.
    7. Create a key that deforms the attachment to be what it should be at end of your left pan.
    8. Add more keys in the middle frames as needed until the attachment looks correct across the whole pan.
    9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for the remaining attachments, until eventually every attachment pans left.


    No, not easy at all. If you complete this, it will be a triumph for the ages.

    hm.. ill try it. thanks

    Nate escribió

    Check out Skeletember day 5:
    A cube like that can either look like it's coming at you, or has depth.

    interesting, I can more or less see how its down, ill give this a shot, thanks.

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  • I've been fooling around with spine to animate bodies etc. However I can't figure out how to make a flat 2d image, in this case, a room, 3d.

    I simply want to make it look like the camera pans to the left, then the right. So imagine taking a step so you are more parallel to the left window, then take a step to be parallel to the right window. Is there a video or something for this? thanks 🙁 :nerd:

  • Shachar Tzin escribió

    My first try at 2.5D rigs 🙂
    Hopefully one day i could look at this and think "what was i doing?!"

    if you've got any tips about this kind of rigs i'd love to hear them!

    looks very cool, I don't even know how to do that, let alone expand on it. shrugs :S

  • Good to know, one of the mistakes i've been doing a lot is box selecting the entire rig and animating it, not know that the Root bone I was selecting would influence everything.

  • Welp, I sorta solved my issue but it was kind of a shoe string solution. If I followed your directions, wouldn't any new bone I created automatically be "under" the root bone therefore still influenced by it, i mean - any bone you create seems to automatically be a child of the root (the red line points straight from the new bone to the root)? Basically all bones created cannot superseded the root bone?

    My solution: I made a copy of the entire skeleton, I went to the little skeleton figure on the top of the list, and hit "copy," So now I had to exact copy of the skeleton (two rigs). I took one skeleton and deleted all the bones/images except the background. Then I placed that one under the main skeleton. So now I had the main rig on top, I could do any animation to it and it would have no influence to the rig under it. I imagine a similar solution would be to import a another project, this would place the project again in its own root/hierarchy etc.

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  • I have an animation, I added a background image but I noticed everything is automatically parented to the root. Unfortunately I animated everything including the Root bone to move in a certain manner. Now the background image moves around with the rest of the animation up and down. Is there a way to make another additional root bone which is NOT influenced by anything so it stays put, that way I can parent the background to it, or is there a way to remove any of the animation? I cannot seem to find the individual tweens in the timeline so I can delete the background moving around so Im out of ideas. I also cannot drag the new bone ON TOP of the root to set it apart.. :sweat:

  • Shiu escribió

    Thanks, admittedly I did not have much time today to work on this but the second rig is exactly what I wanted. "straight version"
    I tried to basically reverse engineer what you did. The bones are IK of one another, the rope mesh is also tied to the bones and the circles are each binded to the circle. results below. This looks kinda like a bootleg version of your 2nd version. You can see there's a little bit of wobble when I move a bones around, not sure why.

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  • I spent a fair chunk of my Sunday trying to tether one object to another, it's two circles, one red and one blue, with a black "rope" in between them. I want to essentially stick each end of the rope to both circles and have it behave like a rubber band or rope. I pull the red circle down, the rope should behave like a rope and point diagonally still attached to the blue circle above. I searched and couldn't quite find anything on here. I also looked for videos and again nothing quite matching what I need. I would appreciate a link or some advice, thanks. :S

  • Erikari escribió

    Hi Meego, I have some advice for you:

    1. use less points for the mesh, make the mesh more regular and symmetrical if you can, you can always add more points later
    2. change the path constraint setting to Chain, or Chain scale instead of Tangent
    3. after creating the chain of bones, aren't you missing a bone or two to control the path?(: remember that you can put weights on a path as well as you do on a mesh!

    I downloaded the dropbox project, isn't it missing the other eyelid?😛

    by the way, here's another example of eye rigging: (from 3h49m51s)
    Twitch: Rigging in Spine Pt. 2 - YouTube

    OMG thanks, your tutorial really gave me what I needed. I finally did it! :rock:

    I made one following your tutorial and another with a your tut + path. I think the idea with a path is it keeps your mesh a little more uniform but it seems to be overkill for a blink, I think it's more for like limbs etc. Yes, i intentionally removed all unnecessary parts, including the eyelid because I wanted to focus on the brow/blink lol
    p.s. I couldn't find where to "change to Chain scale instead of Tangent" and I don't even know what that does.

    Thanks again Erikari. :handshake:

  • Ive been able to make some crude blink animations, one with different images for each blink frame, another with very crude mesh deformation. I'm trying to make a cleaner looking one that looks like 30 second mark, it uses paths and bones. Trying to follow this tutorial Spine 3.4 paths sample projects walkthrough - YouTube. However I cant seem to make the top lid of my eye come down smoothly. It looks like an upside down U, I want it to come down and I want the edges to not move and stay put, I also want the entire mesh to come down smoothly and not fall apart. I spent most of my Sunday trying to do this and cant seem to figure it out. Mesh breaks up or the edges move around like crazy. Help would be appreciated :sweat:

    my rig:

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  • cool, thank you.

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  • I want to undue a parenting of a bone to an image, but the only option is see is to delete the bones and all attached images. Is there a way to simply delete the bones without disturbing anything else?