Pharan escribióSkeletonUtility doesn't work with SkeletonGraphic.
If you can describe your more specific need though, we can maybe come up with a solution, especially if SkeletonGraphic is really the better option for you.
I don't know if the specific component is SkeletonGraphic that I want, but whatever works I'm fine with it.
However, since SkeletonGraphic seemed to be the current go-to component for UI element it not utilizing SkeletonUtility was a big con(only if SkeletonGraphic is really the recommended component for UI).
I'm attaching my HUD design and following with what I'm up to with the 'red section of the HUD.'
Basically, the HP bar is a combination gauge and icon.
Icons are the actual HP like hearts in Zelda, and the gauge just modifies its length and gap distances according to those Icons.
Icons must be attached to the right gap, and for that utilizing a bone as an anchor is a very efficient solution. And because in cases of like this(UI utilizing bones) I'm very confused of SkeletonGraphic's purpose and stuck to SkeletonAnimation as I've been always doing with any other character rigs.