• Editor
  • Questions / Issues with Edit Mesh

Hi there

I am still trying to wrap my head around rigging in Spine. One of the issues I've run into is trying to figure out why my mesh is distorting in various ways between edit mesh mode and setup mode. When breaking up my mesh I try not move verts around at all, but even so there is always a difference between the image appearance when switching between edit mesh and setup mode. I loaded up one of the sample files and I see this delta there too, (attached, onion-skinned overlay.) So some questions:

  1. Is there any way to avoid distortion between these two modes and retain the original imported image positions / pixels?
  2. If I reset the mesh or turn off its "mesh" status, it does not return to its default import position. Is there a way to reset it that position?
  3. What can I do to make sure that my "setup" character accurately matches my imported character image?
  4. Is there a way to 'zero' out transforms on all my images / rig components to make sure I can get back to a good start point?
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Hello there! 😃

  1. When editing a mesh after the initial setup, you should use check Deformed to avoid distorting the image. See Meshes - Spine User Guide: Deformed

  2. Resetting a mesh will in most cases adjust the position slightly. There is currently no way around this. maybe Nate will be able to improve this slightly in the future, but it's not trivial. For now, I recommend duplicating the slot containing your mesh before resetting, you can then use that as a template to get the placement right again.

  3. If you're using Photoshop you can use the LayersToPng script to export a JSON along with your images. This JSON file can be imported to make sure all images are in the correct spots. More on this here Images - Spine User Guide: Photoshop

  4. The transforms of an image are always relative to the bone they're parented to. We would need an offset property for each attachment to be able to zero out the transforms while keeping the attachment uncentered. I can't say if this is something that will be added in the future, but I can see how it would be handy.
    As for the transforms on a bone, we've been talking about being able to view transforms in Animate mode relative to the transforms in Setup mode.