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Blog: Spine Lua runtimes updated to 3.4

This concludes my revamping of all runtimes. Going forward, we have a pretty good base to add new features in a more timely manner! (I'm sure I'll eat my words...)

All hail badlogic, king of runtimes! Kudos for getting a handle on all the runtimes, and making them even more awesome at the same time. :rock:

Yessss! features time!😃
Great Mario for updating the runtimes!

All hail the Great Mario.

Awesome news... Thanks for your hard work!

thanks! play time 🙂

6 días más tarde

in 10-18, i opend my spine, it was show "Sorry, your activation code was invalid."
then i checked my activation code and tryed again, it was also faild.
than i send a email to contact@esotericsoftware.com, but no one replyed me.
i need to do my work urgenly, please chek out for me asap, thanks
and also my email in some reason was changed. from <removed> to <removed>.
please contact me.

You wrote an e-mail two hours ago. I replied 10 minutes later. ಠ_ಠ