• Unity
  • Importing error

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Our animators have just updated Spine from v3.2.x to 3.3.03 !
After importing new exported files to Unity, there will be errors like following:

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
Spine.MeshAttachment.ComputeWorldVertices (Spine.Slot slot, System.Single[] worldVertices) (at Assets/spine-csharp/Attachments/MeshAttachment.cs:123)
Spine.Unity.SkeletonRenderer.LateUpdate () (at Assets/spine-unity/SkeletonRenderer.cs:555)
Spine.Unity.SkeletonRenderer.Initialize (Boolean overwrite) (at Assets/spine-unity/SkeletonRenderer.cs:203)

I have updated spine-runtime (c-sharp & unity) to the latest version on GitHub, but the errors are still there.
I have compared the JSON files generated by old version (3.2.x) with the new ones (3.3.03), and there're a lot of changes, like: mesh => weightedmesh, deform => ffd...
Personally, I think we need new spine-runtime to parse new JSON files.

Please help me to deal with this. Thanks a lot !

16 Jun 2016, 19:22

After digging deeper into JSON file, I realized that the attribute "type" of each node in the skeleton are swapped (mesh <=> weightedmesh).
So I think the problem comes from the exporting process of Spine, which messed with these values.
After changing values of "type" from "mesh" to "weightedmesh" in JSON files manually and vice versa ("weightedmesh" to "mesh"), everything works now.
But I still think that Esoteric needs to take a look at this issue, because there might be other problems.

At least I found a workaround for this at the moment, phewww!

We got the same problem too 🙁

Bump - I'm having this issue as well.

Reproducable with the newest version of Spine, the latest .unitypackage plugin, and Unity 5.3.5 in a fresh project.

16 Jun 2016, 12:20

I rolled back to Spine 3.2.01 and re-exported. Everything works again.

The problem is in 3.3.03.

Same problem here. But dancing_phoenix's workaround doesn't quite work. I then get other "index out of bounds" errors in other places. :-(

Sorry guys. 3.3 is still so new that runtimes haven't yet been updated for it.

ryanm escribió

Bump - I'm having this issue as well.

Reproducable with the newest version of Spine, the latest .unitypackage plugin, and Unity 5.3.5 in a fresh project.

16 Jun 2016, 12:20

I rolled back to Spine 3.2.01 and re-exported. Everything works again.

The problem is in 3.3.03.

How can you rollback Spine ? I would like to know about it to help our animators. Thanks

OK, I had downloaded the latest version, spend the whole yesterday making animation.
Exported and find that it does not work with the current latest unity run time.
I roll back to 3.2 in spine (though the setting), only to find that the files saved in 3.3 wont get open in 3.2 mode.

Question 1:
I have no way to use the animation I just made yesterday, currently?

Question 2:
When will unity run-time for 3.3 be available?

Question 3:
Why did you release 3.3 and make it default version to use when not all run-times are available?

dancing_phoenix escribió

How can you rollback Spine ? I would like to know about it to help our animators. Thanks

Set the version in the Spine settings.

For dancing_phoenix, deadkidsong, and everyone else having problems with versioning, please see this thread:
Spine editor and runtime version management
It should also answer deadkidsong's questions.