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[Feature Request] Graph Editor (not current Graph-view)
- Editado
EDIT: Ok, so I just noticed that aparently this has already been discussed, and you can feel free to delete this Topic if you dont want it to fill up the Forums, I'll leave it here for the meantime, to maybe spark some interest again =D
also- the last reply I found said that it was still to early to give an ETA was about half a year ago- are there any news regarding when we >might< see this feature coming?
Hay Guys, I only recently purchased Spine, and so far im rly glad I did! you did a really great Job so far.
Already though, there are a couple features I would like to see in the (hopelfully less) distant future =D
for simplicity and discussion, im gonna make seperate posts for each though.
The Biggest Feature im Whishing for would be an alternate DopeSheet Editor- basicly similiar to the Graph-Editor(not to be mistaken for the Graph Window currently in Spine) from Autodesk's Maya (Screenshot below)
Im not a coder, so I wouldnt know how much work this really is, but I'd think most snippets for this feature are already in Spine.
Also, I'm not wishing for the dopesheet to be replaced, I can see how that is easier to grasp if you're just starting out and has his own uses, but having the Graph-Editor as, say an alternative view mode, that would be great.
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Incase you do not know how to interpret this picture- lemme explain:
Just like in Spine you set keys on the Timeline, for each value (like rotation, translation scale etc)
However the linear, bezier, etc- curves are directly shown in the Graph Editor, which makes it a lot easier see relations between the keys.
Another great advantage of the Graph editor is, that because you have 2 values (x for time and y for the corresponding value of the key) you can adjust an animation directly in the graph editor.
so as example: I animated my charackter waving his arm, now I want to adjust the animation because I feel that the animation should be more exagerated - Instead of grabing each bone and rotating it further manually, i can now just grab the corresponding keys, and move them up or down on the y axis in the Graph-Editor
What do you guys think? Yay or Ney ?
If other people find this just as useful, maybe we can (gently =D) force it onto Nate and Shiu
I'd love this feature!
I also come from a heavy animation background and believe this is a must have for really complex animation. Right now I am doing some nice animations but I hope that spine goes to the next level with this feature implemented.
I absolutely agree with this suggestion! It would really make tweaking animations easier.
[Feature Request] Extended animation cruves
This was requested before, and before that thread too.
You have Nate and Shiu replying to the request though, so you kinda know where it sat back then.
Pharan escribióhttp://esotericsoftware.com/forum/Feature-Request-Extended-animation-cruves-2825
This was requested before, and before that thread too.
You have Nate and Shiu replying to the request though, so you kinda know where it sat back then.
I already saw that, which is why i have the edited Bold text as first phrase where i state this.
However as also stated, the last information I was able to find regarding this, was atleast 6 month old. q.q
And If possible I would like to know when we might can await said feature or hear some update on the topic in general.
Maybe I've overlooked it, but so far, I cant even find in the trello board- neither under ideas, nor anywhere.
(as you also stated in your link)
I decided not to delete the post to maybe draw some attention to it again =D
but again as stated above, I wont be mad at all if some mod decided to delete this post because there are already prior ones about the same topic.
or ofc, if requested, I can just delete it myself
Nah, no need to delete it.
This is the only thing that's missing from Spine to me. If it had a more detailed graph editor, it would be THE killer animation app.
It will come. Can't say when since it's a huge feature to implement. But it will come eventually.
I absolutely agree with this suggestion, since I believe such tool is an absolute necessity to animate properly. I wish to see it in the trello board in the high priority feature shortly.
It would be great, but we've been held up by a big release for a while. I want to get a number of small but important "low hanging fruit" features done once v3 is released before starting a new big feature.
Nate escribióIt would be great, but we've been held up by a big release for a while. I want to get a number of small but important "low hanging fruit" features done once v3 is released before starting a new big feature.
Hay Nate =D , I understand ;D
I trust that what you do, is best for the software (and thus for me/us)
I just havent heard any updates on this topic for.... half a year? I think, which was basicly the same answer q.q
anyways - do you have an >rough< ETA when you'll be (or want to be) done with the little fishes? =D
It's really too far to be able to say. I hate giving estimates even for things that will be done much sooner! Mostly it's just an educated guess and all sorts of unexpected things come up all the time.