• Editor
  • Mixing and attachment change

I'm in a bit of pickle with an animation and I'm looking for solutions before redoing it in order to create a better transition between animations.
So I have an idle animation of a guy holding a knife; he's holding the knife showing the front of the hand on a really wide stance. I then have an attack animation where this dude swings the knife, but in order to do this I have to basically show the back of the hand. For doing this it's all good by just using a stepped curve on the angle of the weapon and then swap the region attachment of the hand from front to back so that the end pose of the character looks good. This pass happens really quickly during the attack animation of the character and at the end of this animation the character has a new pose which features the blade angled in a certain way and the region attachment of the hand showing the back.

I noticed tho that when mixing the end of the attack to go back to the idle pose things go badly because the region attachment swaps immediately to the one used on the first frame of the idle and also the angle of the knife gets suddenly reset. Is there a way to exclude certain elements from the mixing and just have all the changes on the attachments be at the end of mixing? Or is there any other way of doing this avoiding return animation which is included in the attack or separate into another animation?

    Related Discussions

    Misbug The TrackEntry mixAttachmentThreshold can be used to adjust the timing of attachment switching during mixing. (This cannot be set in the preview view on the Spine editor and must be confirmed at runtime.)

    Is the sudden change in the angle of the knife also due to switching attachments? If so, changing mixAttachmentThreshold should solve the problem, but if that is a different factor, please show us what the timeline looks like for the knife's bone.

    3 meses más tarde