• RuntimesUnity
  • Specifications of using two skeletons for one Spine character.

Hello! I currently have a skeleton for an isometric character that uses meshes and am attempting a backwards state. I have body parts from a Photoshop file that are nested and ready to place. I've tried taking the approach of having a turn-around animation with keyframes so that I can have back facing state. My plan was to move the bones (with image locked) to the images in Animation mode. I see now that isn't possible, and if I were to move the images to the bones it would make mesh keys.

I'm now I'm left to wonder about making a whole separate skeleton on the same file. I'm working with engineers who are learning as we go, so I wanted to ask what exactly happens on the Unity end when having a character for multiple skeletons. Would making another be viable and generally straight forward for the engineers to implement?

Thank you in advance for replies!

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    render07 I'm working with engineers who are learning as we go, so I wanted to ask what exactly happens on the Unity end when having a character for multiple skeletons.

    When exporting a project with multiple skeletons in it, each skeleton will have its separate skeleton-name.skel.bytes (or .json) file exported. These will be imported as separate _SkeletonDataAsset assets on the Unity side, as if you were importing separate skeletons from separate Spine projects. Your programmers would then work with e.g. separate SkeletonAnimation GameObjects for the front and back view, enabling and disabling them according to which view should be visible at a current time.

    A more unified solution, which does not separte your front and back views into separate skeletons (and thus GameObjects), would be to have the front and back bone hierarchies below a common root bone, e.g. a hip-front and hip-back bone:

    +- hip-front
     +- <front bone hierarchy>
    +- hip-back
     +- <back bone hierarchy>

    This way you could switch visibility of front and back attachments (actually of the slots) via animations.

    Or you could use the same bones and switch visible attachments (Skin placeholders) via the animation, as shown in this tip: http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-tips#10-8-directions
    There is also a (longer) video series regarding 8-direction-sprites by Erika available here:

    Thank you so much for the response! I'll be able to tell him what would end up happening. Also I hadn't thought to do a sperate hip. I've been trying to have it all incorporated into one photoshop file and use tags so I'll see how I can organize those in the future.

    Glad it helped, thanks for getting back to us!