Mario is unavailable for a little while. Unfortunately he has most of our UE5 knowledge! I'm afraid I'm not of much use here. Mario can help out as soon as he's back. Otherwise it may be helpful to ask on the UE forums. I can't tell if the problem is specific to Spine or something more general to UE project setup.
UE5 Spine Runtime Instructions
Did you copy the sources of the plugin and spine-cpp?
Hi, I'm evaluating the product, but I need to know if Spine is still not officially supporting UE5? What is the situation?
PinoDF You can use the spine-ue4 runtime with UE5. Our tutorial video showing how to install the spine-ue4 runtime with UE5.2 can be found here: Getting Started with spine-ue4
PinoDF Yeah OP here - it works perfectly fine just gotta follow the instructions and make sure all the dependencies are installed.
OK, thank you guys
Hello everyone! I'm having issues with the Unreal Engine 5.3 version.
I've done all the instructions mentioned above by Mohawesome.
But I'm still getting the compiled error. Even tried to open the example project without success.
Can anyone help me out? Or it does not support UE5.3? I'm installing 5.2 at the moment to test if it opens.
Thank you for your time!
Please post the error you get.
@Mario Hi there! I am also getting an error when trying to import the PlugIn into UE 5.3. Here is the exact error.
I have copied the Plugins folder into my project, made sure the spine-cpp file is in the plugins public source file, and added "SpinePlugin" into my publicdependencies.
Looks like the main issue is that it does not recognize UBodySetup in line 152 in the SpineSkeletonRendererComponent.cpp
Hope this provides enough information
Sadly, UE 5.3 broke a lot of things, including asset imports. I've filed an issue with Epic Games, we'll see how that goes.
I'll investigate the compilation error, though I don't see it on macOS. I'll try on Windows.
is 5.2 broken as well?
or just 5.3 for now?
5.2 might be broken as well.
Bug Fix:
- Prevented UBodySetup's cooked collision data from being generated for Landscape visual-only elements.
H3LLOH3NRY No, the spine-ue4 runtime works on UE 5.2. At least the error as reported by Dg2134 has not been identified in UE 5.2.
What the reason behind needing to now add Spineplugin to the Build.cs?
I don't remember having to do this before.
H3LLOH3NRY It is not a recently added requirement; it has always been required to install the spine-ue4 runtime. Adding SpinePlugin
to PublicDependencyModuleNames
in your project's Build.cs
file allows you to add the runtime into your project as a plugin. If you have never done that step before, I guess you may have started your project from the example project at that time.
before adding the the spine cpp + and its runtime into the plugin folder did exactly that.
And we didn't have to edit the build.cs file.
Anyways as long as it works I guess. Im not complaining.
Hoping 5.3 issues gets fixed soon
I'm afraid I can not reproduce on Windows 10 with our latest 4.1 branch, latest UE 5.3.1 and 5.2.1, VS Studio Community 17.4.4.
Mario Hi Mario, has there been any update on the UE5.3 side? I noticed the Asset issue... looks like the files are just missing in the content browser!
I've submitted a bug report to Epic. They have not responded. My hands are sadly tied, as it's an issue in the core of the engine that I can not fix from the outside.
The current spine-ue4 runtime works with UE 5.3 provided that your skeleton and atlas files do not share the same name up until the extension. E.g. skeleton.skel and skeleton.atlas will not work. However, skeleton-foo.skel and skeleton.atlas will work.
The issue is mostly with old projects that want to migrate to UE 5.3. If the asset files have common prefixes as shown above, there's literally no way for our plugin to fix this automatically. I could not even find a way to fix it manually. That's how bad this situation is.
So, people may not be able to ever upgrade to UE 5.3 depending on Epic. New projects can follow the "no common prefix" pattern and use UE 5.3+.
Hello everyone.
I was able to install the Plugin, open and take a look into the SpineUE4.uproject. Unfortunately, I tried to import my spine animation in binarie, json (.json, .skel) in a blank c++ ue project (Game->Blank C++), but when I try to import, it always asks me to choose a datatable format options.
I have visual studio 2022 with all installed like it's written in instructions (tried also with the 2019 version)
I tried spine 4.1, runtime 4.1 version, spine 4.2beta, runtime 4.2beta version (multiple skeleton and animations in same spine file)
tried with UE4.27.2, 5.1.1, 5.2.1 with all times the plugin which is installed in UE
desktop os: win 11 (does it could be a cause of this problem?)
Idk really what's wrong, so I ask some help here after days.
thx for your help.