• Bugs
  • [Editor Bug] When switching to Multiple Monitor mode

Do you mean if you enable a second monitor in windows, it happens ? Or when you drag the Spine window out to fill two monitors ?
If it's the second I don't have that problem here :S

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I mean the first. It breaks when you enable "extend desktop" or "extend these displays" in Windows while Spine was running while you originally had the setting at "show desktop only on *"/"pc screen only".
(I don't always have my second monitor on. Weird, right? XD)

Unfortunately I don't have two displays. Shiu can you repro?

un mes más tarde

I'm unable to reproduce this one. I'm using an Nvidia card, I wonder if Pharan is using Radeon ?

Yeah, my card's from the red team. XD

Just to clarify the steps.
(1) Have two monitors on your system.
(2) Set to Single monitor mode (in Windows 8, this is phrased as "PC Screen Only").
(3) Run Spine. Let it finish loading.
(4) Switch to Dual-monitor mode.
At this point, there should be a black rectangle where the window used to be.
Note that you can move the window but clicking or moving it doesn't fix the display, although it does still seem to respond correctly.
Clicking on the area where the X button should be does close Spine.

Optional steps:
(5) Minimize using the taskbar.
(6) Restore the window using the taskbar.
At this point, there should be a teeny tiny Windows 98-looking titlebar. Clicking on the buttons does nothing.

A workaround I just learned right now:
(5) Move your cursor to the edge of the rectangle and click-drag to resize the window. Resizing seems to return the window to normal.

I wouldn't call this a huge deal though. Just something to note when you're fond of switching modes like a weirdo (eg, pharan)

My options are a bit different in Windows 8, probably due to the nvidia driver. However I can set it to only display desktop on monitor 1 and then the other one is turned off (I can still use it for things like games thought).
Unfortunately I can't reproduce 🙁

Oh, I was talking about the phrasing on the Win + P menu that appears on the right side.

oh, I actually didn't know about that. Just tried to see if that made a difference, and nope. Still works here. Driver differences I guess.

I see. Well, if someone runs into the same issue, at least they'll have some info. I doubt people will actually run into this problem and be frustrated though.

2 meses más tarde

Mm, I can repro this on my ultrabook's Intel HD4000. Will try to get a good log of when it happens.

22 días más tarde

I can't find how to switch to multiple monitor mode... I'm using the Mac version. Am I missing something obvious?