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Unity Mecanim x Spine2d
I created a simple script that allows you to use unity's mecanim for spine animations. The scripts are generalized enough so that you can use any spine animation. The repo contains the latest unity spine runtime and the scripts I made. There is also a readme that hopefully explains the tool well enough.
I've also provided a scene where I created a sample mecanim for spine boy.
While I was able to leverage unity's mecanim to create FSMs for spine animations, more custom aspects of spine's runtime are not implemented (e.g. queuing animations, custom blend times). The tool is for simple spine animations that do not need to use those things.
gitlab repo : https://gitlab.com/raphael.reventar1/unity-spine-extensions
This tool is under the MIT License so feel free to use them in your projects! (if you're feeling a bit generous please credit me as well. )
Hello and thanks for sharing!
A quick question though: why didn't you use the provided Spine Mecanim integration? Did you find anything missing, or did you just not discover it?
When dragging the _SkeletonData
asset into a scene or the Hierarchy panel, you have the option to instantiate it as SkeletonMecanim
Oh shucks I did not discover it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: At the time that I developed a game which used spine animations, we were just using SkeletonAnimations/SkeletonGraphics respectively. That was a long time ago so maybe the spine runtime we were using did not have them? (or maybe I was just not that vigilant :lol: ) Glad to see it implemented, though! 8)
I feared so, hope you did not spend too much time.
Anyway, this is a clear sign that it's not well documented, we will add a larger section for it in the Unity documentation (it's currently being re-written).