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  • Combine project/skeletons and animations into one

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Need help please.

Is there a way of merging all skeletons and animations into one skeleton? I need to somehow combine/merge frontWater, middleWater, and BackGround into Symbol_6_Bobber.

Each skeleton was imported from different Spine files...

The reason is that the game engine can only read one skeleton per symbol (in this case the symbol is a floating bobber)
If the game engine reads more then one skeleton per Spine file, bad things can happen.

I know of clicking and dragging the bones into different skeletons, but do not know how to combine/merge the animations...

I tried click and drag all the bones into another skeleton, and then tried to copy and paste all the animations from the previous bones, but Spine crashes.

Hi Michael,
Would separating the skeletons into different projects solve this?

In case it doesn't, to import an animation, after you made sure the same bones are present in the target skeleton, and you have the target skeleton active and selected, you click on the Spine logo to open the menu, select Import project, choose animation, then you select the skeleton and the animation you want to import.

How did you try to copy paste the animations precisely? It looks like a bug if Spine crashes.

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Hello Erikari,

Thank you for getting back to me.

Unfortunately the programmer wants all the skeletons in one skeleton.

What I did was click and drag the bones from the different skeletons into the main skeleton, which is the Floating Bobber. Then I copy the frames from a skeleton, go into the Dope Sheet of Floating Bobber, and pasted....crashed as shown on the screenshots.

Anyways, the task is completed. I ended up animating the water again and matched the bobber animations.

At least I know how to properly import animation now. 🙂

Thank you,


5 días más tarde