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  • Create a NEW root bone?

I have an animation, I added a background image but I noticed everything is automatically parented to the root. Unfortunately I animated everything including the Root bone to move in a certain manner. Now the background image moves around with the rest of the animation up and down. Is there a way to make another additional root bone which is NOT influenced by anything so it stays put, that way I can parent the background to it, or is there a way to remove any of the animation? I cannot seem to find the individual tweens in the timeline so I can delete the background moving around so Im out of ideas. I also cannot drag the new bone ON TOP of the root to set it apart.. :sweat:


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  • Editado

Hey Meego,

Its hard to suggest any solutions without seeing the rigs and keys properly ...
I have dealt with similar issues in the past ...
I would suggest making a new bone for your rig and and cut your animated keys from root bone and paste it on your newly created bone (in animate mode)

few rules to keep in mind for future:


trust me i have been in your position and it is not pretty :shake:

Welp, I sorta solved my issue but it was kind of a shoe string solution. If I followed your directions, wouldn't any new bone I created automatically be "under" the root bone therefore still influenced by it, i mean - any bone you create seems to automatically be a child of the root (the red line points straight from the new bone to the root)? Basically all bones created cannot superseded the root bone?

My solution: I made a copy of the entire skeleton, I went to the little skeleton figure on the top of the list, and hit "copy," So now I had to exact copy of the skeleton (two rigs). I took one skeleton and deleted all the bones/images except the background. Then I placed that one under the main skeleton. So now I had the main rig on top, I could do any animation to it and it would have no influence to the rig under it. I imagine a similar solution would be to import a another project, this would place the project again in its own root/hierarchy etc.