Thanks for the feedback. 🙂
For the export path problem, what are the steps to reproduce this? I don't see it happen.
The dopesheet can't really resize, since that doesn't make sense with the tabbed pane system. The dopesheet may share vertical space with another view, so if the dopesheet were to shrink vertically the other view would also.
It probably makes sense to have a view that just has the timeline. We'll see about doing that.
The issue with unbinding bones from a mesh has been fixed, thanks. Not sure what you mean by distortion in the texture though. If the removed bone had deformed the mesh, then the mesh will change shape, no way around that. Has always been this way.
We'll see about floating windows in a future update. It's unlikely the windows will be detachable, outside of the Spine window, but they could be floating inside the Spine window.