nsitkoff Hello Spine support! Some of our artists are experiencing a crash when they use Spine to generate a mesh. Steps to reproduce: 1: Select an image piece 2: 'Mesh' the piece 3: Edit Mesh 4: Select 'New Mesh' 5: Select 'Generate Mesh' 6: Crash Spectacularly Spine.log attached.
Mario It seems you are working with an old Spine version (3.5.01). Could you update to the latest and try again? We've fixed a bunch of mesh related issues since then.
nsitkoff The Spine Launcher is version 3.5.01 - but the version number of Spine in the log is 3.5.46. Spine Launcher 3.5.01 ... Starting: Spine 3.5.46 I don't imagine that the launcher version is going to have anything to do with mesh generation.
Nate You're right, 3.5.46 is the latest. I'm not able to reproduce the crash though. Does it happen every time? Do I need to use a specific image? Can you post or email any needed image? contact@esotericsoftware.com