- Editado
Can't copy a key from one bone to another?
Copy and paste only works on the same bone?
Can you implement this? I think it's a very common feature to have...
Ps. Also, tab index of rotation box is wrong. When you press TAB the caret should arrive at translate X box.
https://trello.com/card/copy-paste-keys ... c0059d9/60
Tab for me goes: rotation, x, y, scalex, scaley. Oh I see, when a bone is selected it goes over to length.
big +1
I just discovered that copying a key from one bone to another isn't not implemented yet. Huh...
Are you planning to do it any time soon?
Originally I wanted to duplicate a bone with animaiton... Then I've found out that it duplicates just the bone, but not the animation. Then I wanted to copy the frames to save time, and ooops I cant
It's quite tedious to do it one by one when there is multiple objects... I would say this feature is kind of a must have, I'm quite surprised that it's not there...
I also agree that being able to copy a bone from one animation to another would be extremely helpful. Is this feature on the radar anywhere?
It's in Trello.
https://trello.com/c/ZFsdWw35/60-copy-p ... to-another
In 1.6.38, copy keys, select a single bone, paste.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Oh this will help so much, thank you !! <3