• Networking
  • Looking for spine-unity teacher

im looking for someone who can teach me trough skype or send me tutorial videos
about spine, i know the basics but there are many features i dont.
about unity,i know a little about unity but not much.
so the tutorials would mainly for setting up games ( rpg-platform ) using spine animations.

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11 días más tarde

Hello (: have you already tried watching this amazing playlist by Esoteric Software?
Otherwise we do have a common chat on discord: https://discord.gg/sN7BnAH and on Skype: Spine Skype Hangout I'm in both if you happen to still have questions after watching the videos (:
If you're looking for an animation course, though, I'd recommend The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams which is an amazing book/set of DVDs.

10 días más tarde