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  • Copying Translate Keyframes to another object

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Is it possible to copy and paste the translate keyframes from one object to another?

I am able to copy and paste within an object's timeline but I'd like to re-use the motion on another object.

I highlight the keyframes, click copy, go to another object timeline, paste, nothing happens. Am I missing something?


You mean another skeleton? No, that currently isn't possible. You can save the project then use the Import Project feature to import an animation from the project file to a different skeleton, then you can copy and paste keys from that animation to another animation on that skeleton.

Thanks Nate. The import feature looks super handy, but I'm talking about copying an animation from one bone to another within the same skeleton. I can't seem to get that to work. It will always paste back to the original bone.

Here's what I'm trying to do. I have an animation of a character juggling three balls (bones for the balls are named ball01, ball02, ball03), I want to add a fourth ball. Flip back to "setup" mode, duplicate a ball (new bone named ball04). back to "animate" mode, ball04 has no animation since it is new. I'd like to copy the animation from ball03 to ball04 as a starting point instead of rebuilding the whole animation.

I'm using OS X if that makes any difference.

Thanks again for the help and great software!


Ah, yes it isn't currently possible to copy from one bone to another. That would be nice to have though.

3 meses más tarde

I really hope this gets implemented, because it kind of seems like it's not hard to engineer, but benefits animators greatly!

For example, I'm animating twin characters who are kind of mirroring each other. They differ only in sprites, not proportions. And the inability to copy/paste makes my life very uncomfortable, as I have to work with onle one guy throughout the whole animation and then use the import skeleton feature, then change all the sprites to have the other character... 🙂 This is now a one-way pipeline, which only works after all animation is done, so no back and forth editing.

3 meses más tarde


I also think it would be a great implemention since it also makes me uncomfortable not being able to copy paste. It would make things quick n' dirty. 😉

But thank you for this great software, for me it has opened the doors into the world of animation ^^!

13 días más tarde

Hi all, Is this feature ever going to make the cut? It's a real pain now that it won't let you copy paste keys. or even when I duplicate an object, it removes all the keyframes on it. I now have to do twice the work every time I duplicate some object that neds a similar animation but for example only needs an offset. Please add this as a feature! By the looks of it I am not the only one that things this feature is a must for animators. 🙂

Yes, the feature will be implemented. There are many features to implement and only one coder.

Not sure what you mean by keys getting removed when something is duplicated? Duplicating a bone doesn't duplicated all keys for that bone in all animations. I don't think that would be good.

un mes más tarde


@robberthesp I've got the same thing here.

I just created a topic for feature "Duplicate with animation" and deleted it a minute later because I have realised a logical error 😃
I wanted to add a checkbox for "Duplicate with animation" in the setup mode. But that wouldn't work because there can be more animations for one bone.

I've been looking around here and found this topics which a re close to what we are discussing here:
..trello here:
Duplicating with animation was also discussed a bit here:
...trello, but duplicating of animation is not mentioned:

So yeah, I guess the way would be to copy all keys from one bone to another.
There are some additional problem that I can think of now:
What if the bone to which I am copying has some keys already?
If it should override or add the keys? In Adobe After Effects, it adds them. It's all right, because I can just delete those which are already there in advance, with few clicks.

I imagine it could be implemented like this:

  • select keyframes & copy / paste hotkey (like it works on one object)
  • select a bone in the tree and press a hotkey for "copy animation", then select another bone and press another hotkey for "paste animation"

For me as an animator, this feature with the feature "copy/paste keys between bones", is something essential for my everyday's work. Repetitively doing the same animation can be very sometimes frustrating, moreover when you're used to the timesaving functionality 😢 :bang:

I fully understand that you have many new features to implement after the success at Kickstarter...
But I personally would rather have an animation tool of which basic/essential functionality works 100%, than a tool which have more big features like the FFD, but without the essential functionality which saves the most of time.

Anyway, I wouldn't like to talk too much to your development, however I would be very happy if you could move this task closer to be implemented.


9 días más tarde

Agree this is a common requirement - for a single bone, surely all we're clipboarding is it's position/rotation?

Multiple bones might be a slightly bigger PITA, but an option to copy & paste the entire timeline would be a simple short-term solution, no?

For now I've just been editing json files, copy & pasting keys and re-importing them...that's works too =p

4 días más tarde

NO! You Adams are not allowed to gang up! :angry:

1.6.38 has: 1) copying the current SRT between bones, 2) copying keys from one bone to another (for a single animation). There seems to be an additional feature request in this thread for copying all keys in all animations from one bone to another. Is that right? Is the feature you want really that when a bone is duplicated, you want it to also duplicate all keys in all animations? Would you ever want it to NOT duplicate all the keys? Deleting keys from a hundred animations would not be good. Creating a new bone instead of duplication isn't a big deal, but creating all the same attachments is. So, I guess it should prompt whether you want to also duplicate all keys? What do you guys think?

Nate, as a Adam's Club member, I've got an answer that kicks ass

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😃 (as usually)

I was thinking

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And I've finally understood why it's a problem

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LOL... I didn't realise that - what if you have more than one animation in skeleton? 😃

Well I've got animation like this:
In this case, I was copying a "blink" that just appears and disappears in one Animation.
So here - duplicating with keyframes would work fine.

So. If you've got more animations, yeah, most likely I would end up thinking that I don't want to copy it with keyframes for all animations.

The best think that came to my mind is a dialog which would ask you wether you want to duplicate the bone with keyframes and let you choose to which animation copy only bone and to which the keys as well...

So - you click "Duplicate" (or a hotkey), then - if there are keyframes - a dialog asks you wether duplicate with keyframes.
...if you check this, then you'll get a list of all animations within the skeleton all with checkboxes (something like in the find & replace text, it could reveal it self like the graph... or with a backflip, star particles and dancing dinosaurs) - where you could select in which animation would be the bone duplicated with keyframes (unchecked would duplicate without the keys).

Toast? On me........

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... now seriously, do you think that this would make sense? 😃

If you only wanted it for a single animation, then doing it manually (eg copy all keys for one bone to another bone, possible in 1.6.38) seems like the way to go. If wanting to copy all keys for a bone for all animations, it seems like doing it at duplication time makes sense. I think the only reason to need a dialog where any number of animations can be checked would only be needed if it were reasonable to want the bone's keys in many (say, more than 3) animations, but not all of them. I'm still trying to understand what is actually needed and why. 🙂

We've decided to not include this for various reasons. Most importantly you can now copy keys from one bone to another and we'll expand on this so you can copy from multiple bones, to multiple bones.
For now this feature request is closed, it's possible we will revisit it, but we'd need a very detailed use case where being able to copy keys is not sufficient. Now Adam and AdamT you can go to your corners! 😉

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You have a good point, I think it makes sense 🙂
I'm going back to my corner, see you soon 😃

And one more thing... I made it to have 100 post today. What a wonderful event, lets celebrate

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