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  • Making the actual art..

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This is probably a dumb question, but while spine looks awesome to animate and I can figure that out if you have the art, are there any good tutorials on making art that easily works with spine? How-tos ? Just curious, I know it is called bone animation but when you make art in this style what is it called (so i can research on how to make art for my games not just the animations using the art). (I do fully realize spine is not an art package and utilizes things in photoshop on layers, that is what I am trying to figure out how is the workflow for making art that spine can use)

Hay Codejoy- the art totaly depends on the kind of games you want to make- (sry, I know that ain't very helpfull)

  • like sidescroller, topdown, orthographic, yada yada yada- however all art basicly broken down to seperating the animated parts into seperate images,(like say hand,lower arm, upper arm) and attaching the seperete images to the bones like this:

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    (I'll see if I can get a gif up for you later tomorrow showing you on one of my charackters)
    (ofc, you can get way more motion and style out of your graphics if you use meshes- but from you text I guess you dont want to go for the pro version?)
    so i figure this tutorial might help you out: http://www.darkwindmedia.com/wulverblade-intro-to-skeletal-animations/

in this (older) video from esoteric software you can also see how spineboy was broken down for animation:

In this Vid hes dowing a "life" Animation of an charackter in Spine aswell as creating the graphics for the character on the fly:

I Hope this helped- otherwise, feel free to detail your question, or contact me
cheers, Thera

Love the wulver tutorial. I like the asset breakdown too. Ty! I wish I was an artist. Maybe tutorials on how to make art like this 😃 lol. Ty for the information!

Haha - Im afraid there is no (or atleast that I know of) Tutorial for creating something like this specifically.
However, there are tons of PS and Gimp Tutorials ;P
aside from knowing how skeletal animation works, and that you have to break down your charackter into seperate limbs, graphics what so ever, im afraid theres just learning to draw xD

for starters id recommend getting yourself a small wacom bamboo tablet or something the like (should be not more than 50 - 60 bugs) and it gets you a long way when doing digital art (personally i had bad experience with noname tablets)

and than when starting a new project, I usually start off by looking at other games and their styles, what I/we like about this style specifically and than mimic and combine aspects.

copying is a good way to get started =)