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Texture Packer outputted tons of pages. (10)
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So I tried packing the texture, and it gave me 10 pages of textures. This is not good for game's draw call optimization. How can I limit the packing to only one bigger texture? (I got 10 of 512x512 textures)
This also looked kind of buggy, I tried setting min size to 2048, the same as max size 2048 in the hope of it will combined into one big sheet, but no! It outputted 10 textures again but this time each texture is 2048x2048 in size. The definition of max texture size is not correct in this way because there is a plenty of spaces left in each texture. Whatever scaling I applied, it seemed to be determined to export exactly 10 sprite sheets.
I just came back to using Spine after a long time. Before I was able to get all texture into one 2048 texture. There is a lot of wasted space, but I think the draw call I got is better than game size that increased. This new version I could not get it right.
I have captured the video illustrating this problem.
I'm going to guess you need to enable "Combine Subdirectories", because your source images might be coming from different directories?
And try "Strip Whitespace" unless there's a specific reason you can't.
Oh, I founded the cause. It is because I have organized the folder containing character parts into several groups. The Texture Packer seemed to respect those folders and never put content in different folder together in the same sheet. Is this the intended behavior? What is the benefit of this? Because I wanted to keep my folder organized also..
For now I have to put every parts in the same folder.
clandestine escribióI'm going to guess you need to enable "Combine Subdirectories", because your source images might be coming from different directories?
And try "Strip Whitespace" unless there's a specific reason you can't.
That's it! I can't believe I overlooked that.. sorry.
Yep, it's a feature. See here: