Mitch escribióWorking as intended. Hit the scene Play button after setting up your state. Sorry there isn't a way to scrub an animation using this mode, Unity might expose the things I need to make that happen eventually
The Dummy track is there simply to represent the duration of the Spine animation, so Mecanim doesn't try to blend as if its a 0 frame animation.
Events are also written to the standard Unity Animation event track as well. (IE: using SendMessage to fire events)
Oh right, in all my confusion it seems like I forgot to actually run the game haha. The animation doesn't seem to be looping though, I tried to enable "Loop time" and "Loop Pose" on the animationclip, but that didn't seem to make a difference.
I will probably stick to using the Skeleton Animation though and call SetAnimation() in a StateBehaviour on the corresponding state.