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  • Squish and Squash Animation for Menu/UI stuffs?

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What's the best way to animate a simple UI(title, button, etc) with squish and squash animations? I haven't seen much UI-related tutorials for Spine(If you guys know any I would loove to get those links!)

The same techniques apply in Spine as they would in other programs that use keyframed transform animation.

For UI, you would need to know what setup you want (and what setup is ideal) in your game engine. This is really situational.

I'm new and using Unity but i'm seeking advice if using Spine to create cool animations for UI elements is an overkill or not. I'm hoping maybe someone in this forum did something similar. Looking for games/projects done with spine animations used for game start screen, etc.

9 días más tarde

I think it's a fine idea. Spine allows manipulation of drawing parameters which makes a single still image animated. This means that instead of multiple images for animating your UI, a single image fills the same needs in many cases. This also means, in almost every case, a smaller game size, which is always desirable.

One of the examples sent with your Spine installation is, in fact, an Animated title screen - Spine can serve you well in this regard.

Thank you for the insight!