Hello, I had same problem as you had about thte flip X.
Does the problem solved yet?
I desperate to have the flipX function so hopefully Spine team will fix it soon!!
I will cross my finger:-)
Hi, this is Mika. I would like to say thank you for that you fixed the problem of flipX!
Using flipX I saved lots of time!
Thank you soooo much!!!
I have been triing to make the SETUP more efficient and I found the SKIN is very useful for filpX:^).
It is very much cool and fine function, but I found it can not to be animated in the middle of time line.
It is really pitty...
If the SKIN could be animated, I will have able to transform the characters cloths in the middle of time line with a bit of sparckling effect.
or...return to different direction:-).
I really love SPINE and hope it will be more friendly for users!!
I have been waiting for your next version up!