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  • Bruce Wheels our first game fully Spine animated

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Thanks a lot for your detailled answer!! I think I got the hang of it.
I played a lot with meshes and spine in general. I think I found almost the same approach like you described it. Thanks again!

Since I am an experienced 3d animator, my biggest issue right now is the habit of 3ds Max/Maya as animation tools.
I am deadly missing extrapolation options per object/transform track like loop and the ability to easily offset keys without creating new ones (like the offset tool does) and a proper grapheditor to see my curves on each bone in each axis of each transform.
Doing a wavy kind of animation is quite hard to achieve and it's a bit tough to control the smoothness with the limited graph and interpolation settings. Especially when I have to to this keyframe to keyframe 😃
But as I did read in some other posts, Nate and the guys behind Spine are planning for this features! I can't wait to get this in my hands!

@Nate: I also like to push things, exagerate and polish and I think you can see it, even if it's fast. Maybe only subconsciously, but hey 😃

I played the game. It is great. Graphics and sound effects perfect. Congrulations.