• Bugs
  • BUG: The bone scale can not set to 0 after spine2.x

  • Editado
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If I set the the bone scale x and y to zero, all children scale in animation will failed.
It break many of our animations that run OK on spine1.9.x
Can you fix it, it is so important.

I find the bug in runtime about '_spScaleTimeline_apply':
The old version has some code:
if (time >= self->frames[self->framesCount - 3]) { /* Time is after last frame. */
bone->scaleX += (bone->data->scaleX - 1 + self->frames[self->framesCount - 2] - bone->scaleX) * alpha;
bone->scaleY += (bone->data->scaleY - 1 + self->frames[self->framesCount - 1] - bone->scaleY) * alpha;

But right now it changed into:
if (time >= self->frames[self->framesCount - 3]) { /* Time is after last frame. */
bone->scaleX += (bone->data->scaleX * self->frames[self->framesCount - 2] - bone->scaleX) * alpha;
bone->scaleY += (bone->data->scaleY * self->frames[self->framesCount - 1] - bone->scaleY) * alpha;

You can read the discussion about the bone scale change here:

You can changed your skeleton to use a very small value rather than zero.