我使用spine web player 实现spine文件的预览效果,但是我所有的素材在web上预览都会有绿色的骨骼区块,不知道怎么去掉?我需要帮助

I use the spine web player to preview spine files, but all my assets have green bone blocks when previewed on the web. How can I remove them? I need help

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I use the spine web player to preview spine files, but all my assets have green bone blocks when previewed on the web. How can I remove them? I need help

Merged 2 posts from How do I remove the green block in web spine player.

We have an example in our repo with the web player using the Celeste skeleton, which works perfectly. You can check it out here.

Could you share the assets and code that result in the green artifacts? Since you're using our examples, there should be no issue in sharing both the code and assets here.

  • moko respondió a esto


    How did you export the Celestial Circus assets? It looks like you're using non-premultiplied alpha textures but rendering them as premultiplied.

    If you set premultipliedAlpha: false in the player config, the skeleton renders without green artifacts. By default, premultipliedAlpha is true.

    Note that Celeste's skeleton uses multiply blending modes, which don’t work well with non-premultiplied alpha rendering.

    Please export the assets with pma set to true and use those assets.

    • moko respondió a esto
      6 días más tarde

      Davide 谢谢你的帮助,已经成功去掉绿色区块