• RuntimesBugs
  • Animation Issue when updated Unity Package to latest 4.2 runtime from git

Hi all the had to download the latest package on a new install and it seems to not reset the skeleton when Setting a new animation in unity.
When going from run to idle for example, it will take the last frame of run as the starting point from where idle will pose, resulting in hilarious but alarming gameplay. we have the previous install and will need to figure out how to export and import the last working package. but hopefully you can fix it before our release.

affected packages: spine-unity-runtime v 4.2.94
spine-csharp-runtime v 4.2.33
last known working packages: spine-unity-runtime v 4.2.88
spine-csharp-runtime v 4.2.31
The pic below all players are "running" but two just came from "fallen" animation

thanks for your time on this any help is appreciated.

Related Discussions

It seems like you're experiencing an issue with the latest Spine-Unity runtime where the skeleton does not reset properly when switching animations, causing the new animation to start from the last frame of the previous animation. This can lead to unexpected and incorrect poses during gameplay. To address this, you might want to try reverting to the last known working versions of the Spine-Unity and Spine-CSharp runtimes, which are 4.2.88 and 4.2.31 respectively. You can download these versions from the Spine Unity Download page. Additionally, ensure that your animation setup in Unity is correctly configured to reset the skeleton when changing animations, possibly by using the AnimationState methods to clear tracks or set animations with the appropriate mix settings.

  • Editado

Dearest Spinebot, you cant download those particular packages from that link, it only seems to have the latest 4.2 if you have a link where I could get them that would indeed solve our issue. I can confirm I have tried resetting the Animation State and are not mixing any animations when having these issues.

    BarraCade Unfortunately, it's hard to figure out what the problem is from the screenshot and description, so could you please create a minimal Unity project that can reproduce the problem and email it to us?: contact@esotericsoftware.com
    Please include the URL of this forum thread in the email so we know the context. Then we can take a look at what's wrong.

    Regarding how to download an older version of the spine-unity and spine-csharp runtime, as each new package is released, the old package becomes unavailable, so you need to use the Unity Package Manager to install older versions. For information on how to install via the Unity Package Manager, please see the following section of the documentation:
    Note that if you are using optional features, such as Timeline or Universal Render Pipeline (URP) support, and they were installed via Unitypackage, they will also need to be reinstalled via the Unity Package Manager. (Otherwise, the references will be incorrect and you will get an error.)

    5 días más tarde

    I have no choice but to spend some time to help you debug this as it has completely broken the animation of our game seems to be some edge case where occasionally it wont reset the skeleton (if that makes sense) it will overlay the previous animations even though im only using SetAnimation().

    SetAnimation() would previously cleanly override and move extremities in relation to the base pose , in this update last animation seems to throw off the base pose like in the original picture i posted the characters torso was moved 90 degrees for the fall animation and is overlaying itself on the next animation so the character is running whilst horizontal to the ground i cant explain it any clearer but i will make you that project , please don't mark this as fixed i will need some time.

      BarraCade Don't worry, we understand that it often takes time to prepare a Unity project to reproduce the problem. We will review your Unity project as soon as we receive it.

      Hey Misaki, I couldn't recreate it in a new project due to time constraints, It seems like a real edge case so here's what I have in case your devs want to tackle it.
      The issue seems to stem from the amount of Entities we have on screen at once we have 550 loaded Spine objects in the level at one time each with there own Unique materials and complex skin and skeleton, as soon as we cut that back we saw less of an issue and one or two entities we didn't see the issue, so my best guess is that somewhere in the spine life cycle our rendering is eating into the bone calculations for the next frame.

      we have managed to downgrade to the previous version mentioned in first post and everything is running perfectly so that's where we will stay for this project, this is a doozy edge case and would loved to see it fixed one day, I wish you and your team all the best.

        BarraCade I understand you decided to downgrade and resolve the issue. If you encounter similar issues in the future, we hope you will let us know. Thank you for reporting this!