• EditorBugs
  • Setup and animate screen doesn't show anything

Hi guys,
i have a weird problem with Spine. The setup and animate window/box doesn't show any bones, pictures or something else, it is just empty. I can see the tools (translate, rotate and so on) as normal. I can see the other boxes as well as preview, tree weights. When i swap to animate mode, it is the same here: i can see every other tool, but no images or bones. In the preview window i can see my animation and i can play the animation.

I restarted spine, but nothing change. I restarted my pc and then i could see everything again, but once i change the project, the setup and animate-window are empty again. Yesterday i didn't change anything in the setup or something like this. Did somebody experience something like this in the past? Would you think reinstall Spine would help?
I use the latest Spine version 4.2.36.

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It seems like you're experiencing an issue where the setup and animate windows in Spine are not displaying any bones or images, even though other tools and the preview window are functioning correctly. This could be related to a display or rendering issue within Spine. A similar problem was discussed in the context where the interface might reset or not display correctly due to changes in monitor settings or updates. You could try deleting the views.json file, which stores interface settings, and then restart Spine to see if it resolves the issue. This file will be recreated upon restarting Spine, potentially fixing any display problems. If the problem persists, reinstalling Spine might help, but ensure you back up your projects and settings before doing so.

Thanks Spinebot for troubleshooting.
I could solve the problem after some troubeeshooting by myself. The problem was one project. When i loaded this project, nothing was to see. Once i opened another project i've got the same problem. BUT when i reopened Spine with another project, it was displayed without mistake and i could work. So in conclusion once i open the "bad" project, i've got the fault.
Then i tried to remember what i have done in this project as last action. I created a physics constraint together with a path constraint. I could see there was a mistake in the setup (i could see some exclamation marks in the tree), but the physics and path worked well. After that i animated the distance and the position of the path constraint.
I still don't know what really caused the problem, but i think it is the wrong setup with the animation of the path-distance. In the past i already got some problems with the same setup, where the distance was 0 and the picture wasn't to see.
In conclusion after i deleted the path and physics constraint (with the animation), i could open again the "corrupted" file without problems. Something happens in the deep of Spine 🙂 . So problem is solved.

Very strange. Possibly something is causing the viewport camera math to explode to infinity or NaN. If you can post or email the .spine file, that would help us fix it: contact@esotericsoftware.com

Hi Nate,

in the following you can find the .spine file:


I could reproduce the fault (had already deleted it). I have marked the important constraints black, because there are a lot 🙂. For me it looks like the combination of path (option: distance proportional) and physics is the problem, but i think you will figure it out by yourself 🙂

I am curious. Let me know the result later!

Thanks! You have bones with zero scale in setup mode. When the project loads, it tries to zoom the viewport camera so the skeleton fits. Something in the skeleton (I'll look later, it's midnight on Saturday 😛) is using the zero scale in computations, causing NaN (not a number) values in bone world transforms, which then break the camera.

I've fixed the camera so at least this problem won't make the app unusable. The skeleton will disappear though and the camera will zoom in on nothing.

To fix your project, set nonzero scale on bones under Iono - Po2. Unfortunately that's not enough to clear the bad data in bone world transforms, you also need to save and reload the project.

Generally it's not useful to set zero scale in setup mode. Scale from animations is multiplied by the setup scale, so if it's zero scale will always be zero, you won't be able to key it to other values. Spine prevents entering zero in setup mode, changing the value to 0.00001. I wonder how you get zeros? Maybe if it was done in an older project, before we started preventing it.

So i checked the scale and you are right the bones are scaled to zero, but it isn't because i set these bones manually to zero. The reason why it is 0 is the path setup i think. The distance for the bones of the path was set to 0. My target was to disappear the used picture without using the slot invisibility, it should have a "special" effect. Then have a good night 🙂 !

I see, the path constraint is chain scale and indeed is making the bones' world scale zero, while local scale is 1. Zero scale was wrecking mesh vertices and those wrecked the camera. We've fixed it in 4.2.37!

BTW, it'd be best not to ignore the warnings:

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To fix it just move the constrained bones under the same parent bone.