Do you have plan to let spine as a part of plugin of Godot ,
its very difficult to build C# version, and let it support other platforms.

recently , we dont have any android template ans such.

if we let it just as a plugin part of godot , it will get rid of recompile template of godot,
some times we need encryption on it , so we can get rid of recompile template.



Related Discussions

Spinebot 我按照教程 逐一构建过,报错。


而且为了更容易使用网络部分和protobuff, 我们希望可用使用C# 作为一部分内核,但是目前C# 官方已经支持了安卓 等其他平台。可是我们的Spine godot 只支持 windows


    你们之后有打算让spine 以godot 插件的形式存在吗??从新构建导出模板太过于繁琐了



    因为我这边需要使用C# 来作为网络层实现通信。目前官方C# 已经支持安卓了,可是为啥我们的Spine 自己还没有C#版本的导出模板

    目前,Spine 的 Godot 运行时需要通过自定义构建来支持 C#,这确实可能会比较繁琐。根据文档,Godot 4.x 的 C# 支持目前仅限于 Windows、Linux 和 macOS,尚未支持移动和 Web 平台。Spine 团队会在 Godot 官方支持这些平台后跟进更新。至于将 Spine 作为 Godot 插件的形式,目前没有相关计划的公开信息。对于构建失败的问题,建议检查 GitHub Actions 的日志以获取更多信息,确保所有依赖项和配置都正确无误。

    • Editado

    GALABEN Sorry, the answer from Spinebot was incorrect, so I deleted it.

    We have long wanted to be able to release the spine-godot runtime as GDExtensions, but unfortunately this has not been possible because GDExtensions does not expose all the necessary APIs. Here is the response from Mario, who is in charge of the spine-godot runtime:

    We would also like to fix the lack of iOS and Android export templates in the C# version, but we want to prioritize converting the spine-godot runtime to GDExtension. There is an issue ticket for the export template here, so if you subscribe to it, you will receive notifications when there is progress:

    By the way, please feel free to post in your native language, as this forum has a translation button so we can read your posts.

    Merged 4 posts from Godot.

    I'm actually currently working on turning spine-godot into a GDExtension for Godot 4.x. It just takes a lot of work and time. See

    This should include iOS and Android support down the line.